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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD764    论文字数:15293,页数:44 ,有程序(matlab),任务书,外文翻译

摘    要
 关键词  平顺性   PID控制器  稳定裕度  动画


 It is some of connection between wheel and automobile body that the vehicle suspension, whose quality directly influences that automobile goes comfortably. This thesis carries on simulation study to the vehicle suspension under MATLAB.
 First of all, the simple vehicle suspension model is established, secondly, an adjustable PID controller is designed according to the characteristic of the model, thus comfortable-going is satisfied. Moreover, frequency analysis is carried to vehicle suspension system, from which we know the stability margin of suspension system is very poor, and phase-lead compensation is joined and contacted for this reason. Finally, animation simulation system of the vehicle suspension is designed under GUI, thus we easily find that the settling time and overshoot of response under control are both much less than that of nature response.
 Key words  comfortable-going, PID controller, stability margin, animation


目    录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ

第1章  引言 1
    1.1  汽车悬架研究目的及工程应用价值 1
    1.2  主要研究内容 2
    1.3  仿真概述 2
第2章  汽车悬架数学模型建立 4
    2.1  控制系统建模概述 4
    2.2  汽车悬架模型建立 4
第3章  汽车悬架控制器设计 8
 3.1  PID控制器概述 8
        3.1.1  连续系统离散化方法 8
        3.1.2  PID算法的基本原理 8
    3.2  汽车悬架PID控制器设计 11
        3.2.1  设计方案一 11
        3.2.1  设计方案二 13
第4章  频率分析及状态反馈控制器 15
 4.1  系统频率分析的内容 15
    4.2  系统串联超前校正的原理 17
        4.2.1  超前校正装置的特性 17
        4.2.2  串联超前校正函数 19
 4.3  汽车悬架系统频率分析及校正 21
 4.4  状态反馈控制设计原理 23
        4.4.1  系统的能控性和能观测性分析 23
        4.4.2  状态反馈和状态观测器的设计 24
 4.4.3  带状态观测器的状态反馈系统 26
 4.5  汽车悬架状态反馈控制器设计 27
第5章  汽车悬架系统动画设计 29
 5.1  GUI动画设计概论 29
    5.2  汽车悬架仿真系统动画设计 32
        5.2.1  汽车悬架仿真系统界面设计 32
        5.2.2  汽车悬架动画设计 32
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37
附录  汽车悬架动画仿真源程序 38

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