论文编号:ZD1445 论文字数:18117,页数:40 附任务书 ,开题报告,外文翻译
摘 要
The simulation study of boiler drum level Control based on MATLAB
The boiler is absolutely necessary significant power plant of industry productions process such as the chemical industry,heat edible oil,generation of electrical energy,papermaking and refines sugar and so on .As a result,it is indispensable systematically to analyze research to the automatic control in the boiler installation.
The boiler is the Power Plant that the whole factory, Segment that the boiler water level control system is the most significant in the boiler. To boiler production operation, if unreasonable will often cause the accident. The majority of these accidents are boiler water monitor causing improper, obviously the importance of boiler drum water level control in the Boiler device control system.
The traditional control mode of the drum water level mostly uses PID.The fuzzy control does not need precise mathematical model of the controlled object,it only needs the experience of operator and the data of operating,it has good robustness and is fit to control the system with nonlinearity and time lag,but its static characteristic is dissatisfied,which limits its application.It is usual mode of three-variable drum water level in order to eliminate the static error that using FUZZY-PID control,and the simulation with the action of setting value and noise.The result of simulation indicates that the effect of control improves comparing with simple fuzzy control and traditional PID control,which can satisfy the control requirement of the drum water level.
Keywords: drum level; PID control; fuzzy control; FUZZY-PID control; simulation
目 录
前言 1
1.锅炉控制及主要研究内容 3
1.1锅炉控制现状 3
1.2控制方法的分类 3
1.3文章主要内容 4
2.锅炉汽包液位系统特性与控制方法分析 6
2.1锅炉汽包液位概述 6
2.2汽包水位的动态特性 6
2.2.1汽包水位在给水流量作用下的动态特性 7
2.2.2 汽包水位在蒸汽流量作用下的动态特性 9
2.3锅炉汽包液位控制 11
2.3.1单冲量控制系统 11
2.3.2双冲量控制系统 12
2.3.3三冲量控制系统 13
3.控制理论分析 15
3.1PID控制理论 15
3.1.1PID控制器简述 15
3.1.2PID控制器的结构 15
3.2模糊控制理论 17
3.2.1模糊控制理论的基本思想 18
3.2.2模糊控制的系统组成 18
3.2.3模糊控制器的工作原理 19
3.3模糊PID控制 22
3.3.1模糊-PID控制器的基本结构 23
3.3.2模糊PID控制器的设计步骤 23
4.锅炉汽包液位PID控制系统设计及仿真研究 25
4.1 关于MATLAB 25
4.1.1 关于SIMULINK 25
4.1.2 仿真实现 26
4.2锅炉汽包水位的PID控制 26
4.2.1 汽包液位的PID控制系统的建立 26
4.2.2 PID参数的整定 28
5.模糊-PID控制系统设计及仿真研究 34
5.1 模糊-PID控制器设计 34
5. 2 仿真实现 35
5.3 几种控制效果比较分析 36
6.结束语 37
参考文献 38
致谢 40