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论文编号:ZD993    论文字数:25165,页数:55

摘  要


 Computer technology and the rapid development of network technology for industrial automation opened up a broad space for development, users can quickly and easily build quality and efficient monitoring system, and through the use of remote monitoring and diagnostics, hot standby and other advanced technologies, make the system more safe and reliable, in this regard, MCGS Control Software will provide you with a strong software support.
 Configuration technology is the integrated development of computer control technology the result is a sign of maturity of the technology. As the technology involved in the configuration, the computer control system greatly accelerated pace. Configuration control technology using a computer control system is characterized by the largest software development from hardware design to have the configuration of, so the system''s reliability and development speed, and development difficulties has declined. With the domestic industrial production and technological progress and development of automation technology, automated monitoring system that people on the growing demand for increasingly high demand. While asking the interface is simple, appropriate for operation, data acquisition and high reliability and good real-time monitoring of, but also requires a short development cycle, the system easy to change, expand, upgrade. Configuration Software is to meet these requirements are widely used in industry. In this paper, configuration technology for a number of studies, their development profile of a more comprehensive understanding. Use of double tank configuration software to monitor the water level control system design.

Keywords:Configuration monitoring; Water level; MCGS
目  录
摘要…………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………II
1  绪论 1
2  双储液罐水位控制系统计控制方案 3
2.1  采用组态软件控制方案 3
2.2 组态软件简介 3
 2.3  组态软件的系统构成及其简介 4
 2.3.1 结构以使用软件的工作阶段划分 4
 2.3.2 结构按照成员构成划分 4
2.4  组态软件的发展历程和未来走向趋势 7
3  基于MCGS组态软件开发水位控制系统简介 8
3.1  MCGS 6.8概述 9
 3.1.1 特点及组成 9
 3.1.2 运用MCGS 6.8建立运行程序一般过程 11
3.2  水箱水位控制系统的设备组成 12
 3.2.1 属性设置 13
 3.2.2设备命令 13
 3.2.3 设备命令的实现方法 13
 3.2.4 设备调试 14
3.3  采用MCGS开发双储液灌水位控制系统结语 15
4  双储液罐水位控制系统硬件的组成及设备的选择 15
4.1  水箱对象 15
 4.1.1水箱 15
 4.1.2 水泵 15
 4.1.3调节阀 15
 4.1.4出水阀 16
4.2  水位、温度检测与控制设备 16
 4.2.1水位传感器 16
 4.2.2温度变送器 16
 4.2.3配电器 16
 4.2.4稳压电源 16
 4.2.5接触器 16
 4.2.6电加热器 16
4.3  I/O接口设备 16
4.4  计算机 17
5  基于MCGS组态软件开发水位控制系统的设计 17
5.1  建立工程 17
 5.1.1工程简介 17
 5.1.2创建工程 18
 5.1.3制作工程画面 18
5.2  定义变量 21
 5.2.1定义数据对象 21
 5.2.2动画连接 22
 5.2.3设备连接 28
5.3编写控制数据 30
5.4  工程数据显示 31
 5.4.1报警显示 31
 5.4.2报表输出 36
 5.4.3曲线显示 37
6  程序调制运行及安全机制 40
6.1  模拟调试 40
6.2  在线调试 41
6.3  安全机制 41
 6.3.1建立安全机制的必要性 41
 6.3.2如何建立安全机制 41
7  总  结 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46

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