论文编号:ZD1003 论文字数:9451,页数:29
关键词: MSP430; 温度; PID; 控制
Temperature is one of the most important parameters for industrial production, Especially in the metallurgical, chemical, building materials, food, machinery, oil and other industries. MCU(Micro Controller Unit) has many advantages,for example:powerful processing capability, running fast, low power consumption and so on.it is used in temperature measurement and control, it is easy to use,with a wide range of measurement and higher accuracy character.
In this Paper,it introduced a MSP430 microcontroller-based PID temperature control device ,it can measure the temperature,and then according to the PID control calculation,it can control temperature with a high precision. The System has good human-computer interaction, stable performance, easy for operation and maintenance, high degree of automation..
Keyword: MSP430; Temperature; PID; Control
目 录 摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 选题的意义 4
第二章 整体方案设计 5
第三章 硬件电路的设计 7
3.1 单片机MSP430的介绍 7
3.2 TEMP101数据采集设计 9
3.3 PWM输出单元 10
3.3.1 PWM技术的基本原理 10
3.3.2 PWM技术的具体应用 10
3.4 半导体致冷器 11
第四章 系统软件设计 12
4.1 用IAR Systems仿真 12
4.2 软件设计 13
4.3 I2C总线接口 15
4.3.1 I2C总线接口简介 15
4.3.2 I2C总线接口通信程序设计 15
4.4 定时中断 15
4.5 数字PID 17
4.5.1 输入输出变量的转换 17
第五章 系统调试 21
5.1 调试PID参数的一般步骤 21
5.2 PID的调试步骤 21
5.3 PID控制器的参数整定 22
结论与展望 23
致 谢 24
参 考 文 献 25
附录1:实物图片 26
附录2:硬件电路图 27