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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD475  论文字数:16882,页数:43,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘 要: 本文研究了热电厂输煤传送带控制系统在热电厂输煤控制中的应用。通过一台PLC对12条皮带输煤进行现场控制,使其能够按照逆煤流启动、顺煤流停止,出现故障的皮带及之前的皮带能够立即停止运行,同时系统出现报警信号。后面的皮带继续运煤到无余煤时停止,如果出现意外系统能够紧急停止。系统控制分手动控制和自动控制两种控制方式,分析了输煤控制系统的合理构成,了解影响输煤控制系统安全稳定运行的几个重要因素;并根据实际情况运用抗干扰措施基本消除现场干扰信号的影响,从而保证输煤控制系统的安全可靠运行。输煤系统实现程序控制和工业电视监视系统对提高输煤系统的可靠性、自动化程度,减少岗位人员和他们的劳动强度,加强输煤过程的运行管理和节能管理,实现状态检修具有非常重要的意义。

关键词:输煤控制  PLC 抗干扰  皮带控制

The heat and power plant loses the
 Control system of a belt of coal Summary
 Abstract: This text studied the hot power station loses the coal delivers to take the application that control the system in hot power station lost coal control.. pass a the set PLC loses to 12 leather belts the coal proceeds the spot controls, making its can flow to start and follow according to the coal of opposite the coal flows the ceasing, appearing leather belt and previous leather belts of the breakdowns can stop the movement immediately, the system appears to report to the police the signal at the same time.Behind of the leather belt carries continuously the coal arrive to have no remaining coal stop, if appear accident system can urgent ceasing.The system control breaks up to move the control with control two kinds of controls method automatically, Analyzed to lose the reasonable composing that coal control system, understand the influence lose a few and important factor that coal control system safe stability circulate;And make use of the influence of the basic cancellation in measure in interference in anti- the spot interference signal according to the actual circumstance, from but the assurance loses the dependable movement in safety that coal control system.Losing the coal system realizes the procedure control keeps watch on the system to lose the dependable of the coal system and automate the degree to the exaltation with the industry television, reducing the post the personnel with their labor strength, enhance the movement that lose the coal process the management with economize on energy the management, realize the appearance fix to have the count for much meaning.

Key words:Lose the coal control  PLC  anti- interference leather  belt control

目   录

摘  要  Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 PLC的最新发展现状 2
 1.2.1 PLC应用情况 2
 1.2.2 PLC主要生产厂家 3
 1.2.3 PLC现状 3
第2章 输煤系统的设计 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2输煤控制系统设计 5
2.3硬件设计 7
 2.3.1电动机的选型 7
 2.3.2分配I/O点 9
 2.3.3可编程序控制器的选型 10
 2.3.4系统简单工艺流程图 11
 2.3.5各种开关及继电器选型 11
 2.3.6外部接线图设 12
2.4软件设计 12
 2.4.1主电路图设计 12
 2.4.2梯形图及程序设计 13
 2.4.3控制面板的设计 23
2.5系统调试 23
第3章 热电厂输煤控制系统的抗干扰措施 25
3.1 概述 25
3.2实际分析 25
3.3抗干扰措施 26
 3.3.1硬件措施 26
 3.3.2软件措施 27
总 结 29
致  谢 30
参考文献 31
附录1系统外部接线图 32
附录2上煤系统梯形图及指令表 33

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