论文编号:ZD1253 论文字数:24691,页数:55 附原理图
摘 要
在日常生活中,现金交易的不易携带、容易丢失、流通不方便情况给人们生活带来了很多不利,现代化城市开始朝着一卡通方向发展。IC卡则为近几年才出现的新型卡片,在卡片上嵌有IC(E2PROM,有的还有CPU)。由于它保存的信息比较可靠安全、可以高达几万次的读写,所以大量应用于公交车票 、饭票 、保健卡、收费系统等。
Title: Bus carry IC card’s control system with USB interface
In daily life, the cash transactions’ inconvenient to take along with people, easy to lose and inconvenient for circulation make a big disadvantage to human life. The IC card is a new kind of card that appears these years. On the card there is a IC (E2PROM, some has CPU). Because the dependable safety in information that it keep, can be up to reading and writing for ten thousand times, large quantity of IC card applies in the bus ticket, meal ticket, care card and charges system etc.
Know to all, the city bus system is the window of a city, its work efficiency and quality will affect directly with the daily life of people。Based on the modern computer and communication technology we can achieve the IC card charging to the bus system. This will raise the modernization level of the business management a, achieve social and economy beneficial and make a good base to the one -card city’s system.
This text design the USB interface car carries IC reads and write system that use the MCU single chip computer MC68CH705J2CH371, MMM micro module, keyboard, moniter,AT93C46, antenna, control electric circuit and with a USB electric circuit constitutes for communication with PC. It is fast writing and reading speed and may write and clear for 10 thousand times. The data will stay for 10 years.
Keywords:IC card、MCU single-chip computer MC68HC705J2、ROM AT93C46、CH371
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 IC卡应用 1
1.1 IC卡概述 1
1.1.2 IC卡功能描述 2
1.1.3 IC卡通信协议 3
1.2 IC卡的种类及功能特点 3
1.3 PHLIPS公司的Mifare 智能非接触IC卡 5
第二章 单片机A/D、D/A转换 7
2.1 Motorola单片机发展概况 7
2.2 Motorola单片机应用技术概论 7
2.2.1 单片机应用系统的构成及基本要求 7
2.2.2 Motorola单片机应用技术介绍 8
2.3 单片机MC68HC705J2 10
2.3.1 MC68HC05J2存储器结构 10
2.3.2 MC68HC70532单片机 11
第三章 USB总线接口芯片(CH371) 13
3.1 概述 13
3.2 特点 13
3.3 引脚 13
3.4 功能说明 14
3.4.1 一般说明 14
3.4.2 USB 设备配置和数据传输过程描述 15
3.4.3 本地端的软硬件接口 16
3.4.4 计算机端的软件接口 18
3.5 应用 19
第四章 单片机SPI接口技术及应用技术 22
4.1 SPI硬件接口 22
4.1.1 硬件接口 22
4.1.2 软件模拟实现 22
4.2 单片机与EEPROM接口及SPI实现 23
4.3 单片机与IC卡接口及SPI实现 24
第五章 应用实例━基于USB接口的车载IC卡控制系统 26
5.1 设计目的 26
5.2 设计原理 26
5.3 设计步骤 26
5.3.1 功能设想 26
5.3.2 硬件系统考虑 27
5.3.3 电路分析 28
5.4 控制软件 28
5.4.1 主监控程序 28
5.4.2 功能程序 29
5.4.3 WATCHIDOG功能 30
结 论 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 32
附录A 单片机MC68HC705J2读数据到AT93C46 33
附录B 单片机MC68HC705J2写数据到AT93C46 34
附录C 单片机MC68HC705J2读写AT93C46的子程序 35
附录D 单片机MC68HC705J2读数据到IC卡 38
附录E 单片机MC68HC705J2写数据到IC卡 39
附录F 单片机MC68HC705J2读写IC卡的子程序 40
附录G 主监控程序 42
附录H 检票子程序 45
附录I 系统设置子程序 49
附录J WATCHDOG功能子程序 50
附录K 系统原理图 53