论文编号:ZD918 论文字数:11942,页数:29
摘 要
本系统采用AVR 系列的单片机中的ATmega16 作为微控制器。它内部带有8 通道独立的10 位精度A/D接口,工作于降噪声模式,增强了抗干扰能力并降低了成本。利用高效稳定的嵌入式多任务操作系统uSmartX为软件平台,合理编写软件流程,为数据采集提供了优越的软件支持。
Data Acquisition System is a system that works as following steps: get the analog signals from sensor, and translate into digital signals, then send the digital signals into the computer for processing, at last export the result as the requiring format. As the developing of the Computer Technology and Electronic Information Technology, the Data Acquisition System combined with advanced Electronic Technology could deal with vast process data. Nowadays, the Data-Acquiring Technology is used in many fields such as Analytical Instrument, Geology Reconnoiter, Medical Treatment Instrument, Radar, and Communication etc.
Based on rapid development of computer, semiconductor and software technology, the performance of embedded microprocessor get highly improved and the kind of embedded operating system emerge in endlessly. The embedded system gets extensive application in increasing subject. This design is an application of embedded system in data collection and controlling system.
The hardware use the ATmega16 of AVR series for MCU. With its internal 8-channel independent of the 10 precision A / D interface, the job in the noise model, enhanced anti-jamming capabilities and reduce costs. is The embedded real time system uSmartX act as the software platform, provide excellent software support.
Key words: uSmartX 、 RTOS、 A/D Acquisition、 Data Acquisition、AVR
摘 要 I
Abstract -II
1 绪 论 1
2 数据采集系统基本原理及总体设计方案 2
2.1数据采集基本原理 2
2.1.1 数据采集概述 2
2.1.2 低通抽样定理 3
2.1.3 抗混叠滤波器 6
2.1.4 过采样 6
2.2系统总体设计 7
2.2.1 概述 7
2.2.2 硬件架构 7
2.2.3 软件架构 8
3 系统硬件设计及实现 10
3.1 单片机及其主控电路设计 10
3.2 基于Atmega16单片机的数据采集系统最小板原理图 13
3.3 LED数码管显示电路 14
4 系统软件设计及实现 16
4.1 嵌入式 uSmartX 系统概述 16
4.1.1 uSmartX的基本特点 16
4.1.2 uSmartX的任务调度策略 16
4.1.3 uSmartX功能模块简介 17
4.1.4 uSmartX在AVR单片机上的移植 20
4.2 程序结构图 20
4.2.1 主程序流程图 20
4.3 程序设计 22
4.3.1 显示程序 22
4.3.2 A/D采样程序 23
4.3.3 uSmartX任务调度主程序 23
5 总 结 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26