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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/01


论文编号:ZD1070    论文字数:8202,页数:31

摘  要

  关键词 :VFD、检测系统、PLC
VFD need to have a number of factory testing to include: high-pressure testing, a single scan, multiple scans, scan grid, allLight scanning. Detection system to the traditional detection through two machines, one to disassembly after testing to another instrumentDetection of the remaining, the process cumbersome, prone to error. The main purpose of the system is to use as a controller Panasonic FPX two-yee Save a device combining the middle of the process of disassembly, thereby enhancing work efficiency and also reduce the error rate, reduced workersWork intensity.
The vacuum fluorescence display monitor (VFD) using electronic impact phosphor, so that light-emitting phosphor is a self-luminous display.Because it can do more than color display, high brightness. Conductive thin-film substrate requirements VFD line width and line spacing less than 0.03mm, Resulting product is therefore vulnerable to connect with the disconnected, as the products of these two causes accounted for the end-of-life products for more than 80% of non-performing.

Key word:VFD、  Examination system、 PLC
摘  要 II
Abstract III
目录 IV
1  绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 本论文主要研究内容 2
2  系统总体方案设计 3
2.1 生产工艺要求及性能指标 3
2.2 系统总体结构设计 3
3  系统硬件设计 5
3.1 主控系统 5
3.1.1 主控模块FPX-C30T 6
3.1.2系统主控电路设计 13
4  系统软件设计 16
4.1 系统开发环境 16
4.1.1 FPWIN-GR 16
4.2各工序软件完成的任务及要求 17
4.2.1 准备工序 17
4.2.2高压检测 17
4.2.3功能检测 17
4.2.4自动检测 18
4.2.5系统主要程序 18
5  系统实验调试 22
5.1实验调试方案 22
5.2系统调试结 23
6 论文的主要工作成果及总结 24
致  谢 25
参考文献 26

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