论文编号:ZD490 论文字数:22309,页数:44,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述
关键词:PLC控制 变频调速 电梯 现场总线
The designed of the elevator system of frequency conversion timing based on siemens PLC
Abstract: With the development of the economy, microelectronic technology, computer technology and the automatic theory are developed rapidly, the AC variable frequency technology has been in a new state. Its application is becoming more and more widely. But the elevator as an important traffic in skyscraper,it also has developed quickly with the improving requirement of the people .Its dragging technology has developed from DC timing to AC variable frequency timing and its logic control- relay control also has been replaced by PLC.
On this paper, it was based on by the control technology of the elevator, aim at the some weakness of the haulage elevator of the past, the popular PLC control technology and change the adjust soon total line in technique, the spot technique were adopted to every kind of control that realizes elevator. Siemens S7-300 was adopted to the programmable control in this subsystem, and was communicated through S7-400 with the computer of Industral Ethernet , The computer passes the software can proceed to the elevator with the on time long range supervises and control. but the rise and fall、rises to stop speed of the elevator was controlled by the transducer, The place of the floor was examined by revolution coder.
Key word: PLC control frequency conversion timing elevator Profibus
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1电梯的分类及其发展动态 1
1.1.1电梯的分类 1
1.1.2电梯技术的发展展望 2
1.2 PLC及在电梯控制中的应用特点 2
1.2.1 PLC的特点 2
1.2.2 PLC控制电梯的优点 4
1.3电梯变频调速控制及其特点 4
1.4现场总线及工业以太网的概念及应用 5
1.5课题的主要内容和要求 6
第2章系统硬件设计 8
2.1方案确定 8
2.2 PLC控制系统及其网络系统组成 9
2.2.1变频器的选择与参数设定 9
2.2.2旋转编码器的选择 11
2.2.3 PLC的选型与模块设计 11
2.3工业以太网的设计与组建 14
第3章系统软件设计 16
3.1电梯系统PLC控制软件设计 16
3.1.1系统硬件组态 16
3.1.2电梯控制程序的梯形图 17
3.2组态王软件控制系统的设计 23
第4章系统调试及结果 26
第5章总结 30
参考文献 32
附录1~附录5 PLC的各模块电气接线图 33
附录6器具明细表 38