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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD413  论文字数:18675,页数:46,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述

摘  要


 Laboratory system for variable-frequency
 and variable-speed motor based on virtual instrument
ABSTRACT:With the advancement of science and technology,the development of measurement technique is getting more and more important。 The application of electronic measurement technique has extended to more fields than ever。 Due to limited functions and big size, traditional electronic measurement equipment is no longer suited for common purposes。Thanks to the rapid development of integrated circuit and computer technology,measurement instruments are becoming digitized and intelligentized。 Compared with traditional equipment,the new instruments have more functions,higher processing speed,wider bandwidth,friendlier interface,smaller size and better expandability。The prevalence and rocketing development of personal on PC platform,and can make use of the software and hardware resources of a PC。Compared with its ability of data processing and flexibility,VI has a low price, which means it is a good choice for research and teaching reform in universities。
     This dissertation discusses the implementation of a signal acquisition system,based on the concept of VI。With a self-developed data acquisition card connected to PC,a digital storage oscillograph (DSO)with the function of cymometer and spectrum analyzer is developed。The usage of Lab VIEW,the specialized VI softwareplatform,gives the system more flexibility and wider application。This dissertation focuses on key techniques in data transmission,display and processing。
     The system which is used to measure the electric parameters of variable-frequency and variable-speed motor using virtual instrument is introduced。 The hardware and solfware are described。 The methods of increase measureing accuracy are introduced in detail 。Compared with old methods, it has many advantages, such as, flexibe application of solfware , high accuracy of measuring, simple cuicirt of hardware.
Keywords: Virtual Instrument;Data Acquisition;variable-grequency and variable-speed;alternation sampling

目   录
摘  要  Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第1章 虚拟测量仪器技术的发展 1
1.1 测量仪器的发展及其面临的问题 1
 1.1.1 电子测量技术的发展状况 1
 1.1.2 电子测量仪器的发展 3
1.2 虚拟仪器概述 4
 1.2.1 虚拟仪器的特点 4
 1.2.2 虚拟仪器的特点及优势 4
1.3 本课题的目的及意义 5
 1.3.1 本课题的设计目的 5
 1.3.2 本课题的意义 6
第2章 系统硬件设计方案 7
2.1 系统的硬件配线图 7
2.2 系统的硬件设计说明 8
 2.2.1  PCI数据采集卡 8
 2.2.2 传感器 9
 2.2.3  TD3000变频器 10
 2.2.4 速度编码器 10
第3章 数据采集技术 11
3.1 数据采集技术的基本概念 11
 3.1.1 数据采集框图 11
 3.1.2 数据采集系统的功能模块 11
3.2 数据采集系统的基本组成 13
 3.2.1 一个实际数据采集系统的组成 13
 3.2.2 实际系统中的各模块功能 14
3.3 数据采集系统的硬件特性 16
 3.3.1 采样频率 16
 3.3.2 多通道信号采集方法 17
 3.3.3 分辨率 17
 3.3.4 电压范围 17
 3.3.5 高级仲裁和DMA传送 18
 3.3.6  PCI总线介绍 18
3.4 数据采集卡的安装检验与参数设置 18
第4章 软件设计 20
4.1 软件设计的数学模型 20
 4.1.1 栅栏效应 20
 4.1.2 提高仪器测量准确度的方法 21
4.2 软件设计说明 22
 4.2.1 电机(开环、闭环)矢量控制变频调速试验 23
 4.2.2 额定频率,额定负载下的电机频谱分析 24
第5章 TD3000变频器 26
5.1 基本功能参数 26
5.2 电机及其保护参数 27
5.3 辅助功能参数 28
5.4矢量控制功能 29
5.5转矩控制方式 30
5.6 开关量输入输出端子功能 30
5.7 过程PID功能 31
5.8 编码器参数 32
第6章 实验指导书 33
6.1 交流变频调速装置参数设定与运行试验 33
6.2 电动机空载时系统启动、运行、停机试验 34
6.3 电动机空载时系统正/反转试验 34
6.4 变压变频调速试验 35
6.5 电机开环矢量控制变频调速试验 36
6.6 电机闭环矢量控制变频调速试验 38
6.7 额定频率,额定负载下的电机频谱分析 41
致  谢 43
参考文献 44

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