论文编号:ZD916 论文字数:15674,页数:32
摘 要
With the rapid development of modern technology, people''s lifestyle with each passing day, even if closely related with the people’s break the traditional space and limited in right of residential geography, space, environment needs of the community the public has already Kaishi''s Anquan residential and a higher comfort requirements.
The graduation project for a residential electrical design and design of residential security systems, residential building is a 6 floors building, the roof with a loft, two per unit for the Unit, an area of approximately 113 square meters and 137 square meters covers an area of about 500 square meters. This works for the construction of residential buildings, three load power supply, three mine levels, the introduction of residential electricity substation by the district. The design mainly includes three parts: strong electrical parts, including power supply design, lighting design, lightning protection grounding system design; weak parts, including cable television, telephone network system; security systems including Closed-circuit monitoring systems, electronic patrol system and perimeter alarm system. The design involves both the knowledge to master the content of this professional focus, which aims to design practice through the integrated use of the knowledge, theory with practice, exercise independent analysis and problem solving capacity building electrical design for a solid future work basis.
Keywords: distribution system;lighting system;Anti-radar;Earth;Security system
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 3
1.1 建筑电气概况 3
1.2 设计内容 3
第二章 配电系统设计 5
2.1 负荷等级及供电要求 5
2.1.1 负荷等级分类 5
2.1.2 供电要求 5
2.2 负荷计算 6
2.3 导线选择 9
2.3.1 电缆选择原则 9
2.3.2 选择结果 9
2.4 配电方式 9
第三章 照明系统设计 11
3.1 总则 11
3.2 照明光源选择 11
3.3 照明灯具选择 11
3.4 照度和照明方式选择 11
3.5 一般照明 12
3.6 应急照明 12
3.6.1 应急照明分类 12
3.6.2 应急照明灯具选择 13
3.6.3 应急照明灯具布置 13
3.6.4 应急灯具控制方式 13
3.6.5 设计结果 13
3.7 照度计算 14
第四章 防雷接地系统设计 15
4.1 建筑物的防雷分类 15
4.2接地系统 19
4.3 综合说明 20
第五章 弱电系统 21
5.1有线电视系统设计 21
5.1.1 设计的原则 21
5.1.2 分级标准 21
5.1.3 有线电视系统构成 21
5.2 电话系统的设计 23
5.3 宽带网络系统的设计 23
第六章 安防系统 24
6.1安全需求分析 24
6.2 系统总体方案 24
6.2.1 设计原则 24
6.2.2 电视监控系统 25
6.2.3 周界报警系统 25
6.2.4 电子巡更系统 25
6.3 设备选型 26
6.3.1 电视监控系统 26
6.3.2周界报警系统 26
6.3.3电子巡更系统 26
6.4 方案说明 26
6.4.1电视监控系统 27
6.4.2周界报警系统 27
6.4.3电子巡更系统 27
第七章 结 论 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30