论文编号:ZD819 论文字数:19409,页数:50,附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译,电气图,程序
摘 要
关键词:PLC 变频器 闸门开度传感器 触摸屏
Medium and large sluice is an important building of water control project,ensure both ends of the cylinder synchronous movement of the piston rod, And thus ensure the smooth opening and closing the sluice, that is an important condition for safe operation of sluice. This thesis aims to design a system, which controls dual hydraulic cylinders with water gate and achieves to control the sluice’s opening accurately.
The design goes from the background and function, and then analyzes its principles of internal structure deeply. From the compare with the traditional control method, we can deeply realize the technical requirements of this control system. By documentary research, functional analysis, simulation, experience summarization can we design a valuable control plan.
Technical line: Take advantage of PLC to control the inverter so that we can achieve to control the speed of the cylinder motor. Take advantage of gate opening sensor to feed the information back to PLC, so that it turns out to be a closed loop control system, and achieves to control the valves at both ends of the displacement. At the same time , we take advantage of touch screen to create a HMI, so that it can be much easily to operate. The main functions of control system includes: inverter track correction, fault alarm, set up zero-set opening, history, manual correction.
The content includes: collection and selection of information about components required in the control system, the drawing of electrical diagram and flow chart about the control system, the writing and debugging of programs in the control system.
Key words: PLC inverter gate opening sense touch screen
目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目 录 iii
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2研究的目的 1
1.3研究的方法与技术路线 2
1.4本章小结 2
第二章 控制系统方案和组成 3
2.1控制系统需求分析 3
2.2 控制单元 4
2.3 输出元件 5
2.4 反馈元件 6
2.5 控制面板 7
2.6 控制系统原理概述 7
2.7本章小结 8
第三章 配水闸门双液压油缸控制系统的硬件配置 9
3.1 PLC选型 9
3.2 变频器 9
3.3 触摸屏 13
3.4 闸门开度传感器 15
3.5 电气原理图 18
3.6 本章小结 20
第四章 控制系统软件设计 21
4.1 主程序结构 21
4.2 主要的子程序功能及其流程图 22
4.4 触摸屏界面设计 32
4.3 PLC与传感器通信程序设计 34
本章小结 37
第五章 关键功能模块调试及相关措施 38
5.1上电检查 38
5.2键调试 38
5.3变频器调试 39
5.4 PLC程序调试 40
5.5系统抗干扰措施 42
5.6 本章小结 43
致谢 44
参考文献 45