论文编号:ZD1009 论文字数:11394,页数:36
摘 要
本文介绍了基于单片机(89C51) 的一种8×8 LED 汉字显示屏的设计与制作过程,内容包括 LED 汉字显示屏的硬件电路、PCB 设计、程序设计与调试等方面,涉及到单片机电子产品设计与制造过程中的各个环节。
讨论了单片机控制系统中关键的数据发送问题,结果表明采用并行数据输入、串行数据及同步时钟输出的专用电路可大大减少CPU 的辅助时间,提高数据的发送速度。
LED dot matrix display as a new display is LED by a number of independent light-emitting diode package from.
In this paper, Introduced a simple 8 × 8 LED display based on single-chip microcomputer (89C51) of Chinese characters design and production process, including character LED display hardware, PCB design, programming and debugging, etc., related to a single machine design and manufacture of electronic products in all aspects of the process.
Use 8 × 8LED dot displays, for single-chip controller 89C51 explore simple Chinese characters, English letters and the dynamic image display technology.
To clarify the use of single-chip dual-color display control method, LED display module unit how to signal control and signal transmission in the study of driver issues.
Discussion of the single-chip control system to send the issue of critical data, results show that the parallel data input, serial output data and clock synchronization circuits dedicated to significantly reduce the CPU support time and increase the speed of data sent.
Keywords:LED、drive circuit、microcontroller
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
一 前 言 1
二 LED点阵显示系统的硬件设计 2
2.1 显示控制电路 2
2.2 显示驱动部分 4
2.2.1 列驱动部分 4
2.2.2 行驱动部分 6
三 LED图文显示器的特点 8
3.1 图文显示的特点 8
3.1.1 LED发光原理 8
3.1.2 LED的特性 9
3.1.3 LED的分类 12
3.1.4 发光二极管的检测 12
3.2 汉字显示的原理 13
四 器件介绍 16
4.1 74HC245 16
4.2 74LS595 17
4.3 8X8 LED 18
4.4 74LS373 24
4.5 74LS165 25
4.6 89C51 25
4.7 MAX232 26
4.8 电解电容和电容 27
五 软件系统 28
六 总 结 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
附 录1 逐行扫描原理 32