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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/01


论文编号:ZD1044    论文字数:12656,页数:28

摘 要

Abstract    Solar energy is a huge amount of  renewable energy,that is one of the major alternative energy of the large number of applications of fossil fuels ,that is one of the most clean energy Human beings can be used directly.Therefore, development and utilization of solar energy is of great significance.The power is one of  the most widely used and applied the most convenient energy.The solar energy into electricity and then to use,that is  one of the most reasonable way for the solar energy  development and use.
    This thesis is a solar charging and discharging of the circuit control design,Solar chargers use solar panels (18v), after the solar radiation light energy into electricity ,Through the control circuit,then Re-charge the battery directly.The  control circuit to achieve sufficient to prevent reverse battery, over charge, over discharge, over current, short circuit.
Key words: solar, battery, power, over charge, over discharge, reverse charge

目 录
摘  要.I
1  绪论2
1.1 太阳能简介.2
1.2 太阳能的发展历程.2
1.3 太阳能产业利用现状和发展前景..3
1.3.1 全球太阳能产业现状和发展前景3
1.3.2 我国太阳能产业现状与发展前景3
        1.4  太阳能光伏发电的应举例.4
2  太阳能光伏发电的技术5
2.1 太阳能电池的发电原理5
2.1.1 光电装换..5
2.1.2 二极管光伏器件..6
2.2 蓄电池..10
2.2.1 铅酸蓄电池的充电特性10
2.2.2 铅酸蓄电池充电模式.12
3  太阳能充电电路的设计..13
3.1 单路旁路型充放电控制器13
    3.2  过电流保护电路设计.14
3.3 脉冲充电过程设计14
    3.4 完整电路设计15
    3.5  软件设计16
      3.5.1 模数转换程序设计16
      3.5.2  方波程序设计17
    3.6 ADC0809引脚图和功能简介17
    3.7 LM339引脚图和功能简介.19
4 总 结.21
致 谢.22
附 录.24

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