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论文编号:ZD542 论文字数:24466,页数:44,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述


关键词 :多媒体  CAI课件  Authorware软件      


 The Design and Development of CAI
 Software About Minicomputer Control Technic

Abstract:The multi-media technique provides the abundant means for information spread Along with the technique development of network, communication and the multi-media, computer is widely used in the modern education. The traditional teaching mode, teaching means, teaching material, classroom construction the reform etc. correspond have been reformed deeply. All of these each promote and development of the educational ideas and theories. The Computer Assistant Education is a very important application technique of the computer science. It will become a main part of modern education.The visualizing and interaction of the multi-media system can provide a new study method for learners; and teaching material and the education form is vivid, also it has III the reality of feel, and can stir people to study. Let them to study actively and efficiently.What this article discussed is that the knowledge of Authorware Tool and the process of making Teaching material with it.
Keywords:  Multimedia, Teaching material, Authorware software


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