论文编号:ZD431 论文字数:24438,页数:52,有CAD图
摘 要:本课题主要针对目前国内外传统同步发电机可靠性差,运行寿命短而提出的一种新型励磁方式——无刷同步发电机,其方案整体设计包括主发电机,无刷励磁系统和旋转整流器三大板块。
关键词: 无刷励磁 同步发电机 旋转整流器 交流励磁机
Design of main generator of brushless synchronous generator
Abstract:The paper mainly deals with the synchronical dynamo dependability of home and abroad tradition is bad to main being aimed at of this task,the operation life brief but proposes one kind of new excitation means does not there is not scrubing the synchronical dynamo,such scheme entirety is designed consising of the primary dynamo,and does not there is not scrubing excitation system with circles the great plate of rectifier three.
The design of main generator of brushless synchronous generator affinity with the ordinary synchronical dynamo,and according to the technique target demand,and the composition adopts circling the magnetic pole style,and the magnetic pole adopts magnet limbs style form shape,and is living that the main dimensions is fixd the respect with the fundamental parameter,and considering such operational performance target and production-manufacturing cost respect demand,having carried on the college stone time and again,the design is kill to accord with the demand essentially; The primary dynamo excitation adopts not the thering is not the scrubing excitation means of exchange exciter excitation,and the alternating current that the exciter comes into being gos into the revolving rectifying device,and after commutation queen who circles the rectifier,finally inputing internal the primary dynamo armature carrying on the excitation,this scheme through simply on substituted mechanical type commutation in the past,and causes that the synchronical dynamo stability be able to heighten enormously,but also the generation of electrical energy quality also obtains the obvious improvement !
Key words:Brushless excitation;synchronous generator; Revolving rectifier;
Exchange exciter
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 课题来源 1
1.3 主要设计内容 2
1.4 技术性能指标 2
1.4.1 技术指标 2
1.4.2 性能指标 3
第2章 方案整体设计 4
2.1 概 述 4
2.2 系统工作原理图 5
2.3 无刷同步发电机工作原理 6
2.4 无刷同步发电机的基本型式 7
2.4.1 旋转电枢式 7
2.4.2 旋转磁场式 8
2.5 无刷同步发电机的结构 8
2.5.1 定 子 8
2.5.2 转 子 9
2.5.3 机座和通风型式 10
2.5.4 端 盖 10
2.5.5 轴 承 10
2.6 无刷励磁系统 11
2.6.1 他励式励磁方式 11
2.6.2 自励式励磁方式 11
2.6.3 交流励磁机 11
2.6.4 交流励磁机的优点 12
2.6.5 旋转整流装置 14
2.7 设计注意事项 14
2.7.1 主发电机 14
2.7.2 交流励磁机 15
2.7.3 旋转整流装置 17
2.7.4 交流励磁机和旋转整流器的安装 18
第3章 方案实体设计 19
3.1 概 述 19
3.2 主发电机电磁设计方案 20
3.3 基本参数确定 20
3.4 运行性能调整 25
3.4.1 定子温升 25
3.4.2 转子温升 25
3.5 励磁机要求 26
3.6 电磁计算程序 26
3.6.1 额定数据及主要尺寸 26
3.6.2 空载计算 28
3.6.3 满载计算 30
3.6.4 绕组及励磁数据 32
3.6.5 损耗及效率 35
3.6.6 过载能力及发电机短路比 36
3.6.7 发电机参数及时间常数 37
3.6.8 定子绕组温升估算 38
3.6.9 励磁绕组温升估算 39
第4章 旋转整流装置的设计 40
4.1 概 述 40
4.2 旋转整流器的设计 40
4.3 旋转整流元件的选用 41
4.4 整流线路的选择 41
4.5 元件的安装方式 42
4.6 保护措施 42
结束语 45
参考文献 47
致 谢 48
附录A(定子铁心冲片图) 49
附录B(磁极冲片图) 50
附录C(定子绕组图) 51
附录D(转子绕组图) 52
附录E(同步发电机总装图) 53