论文编号:ZD386 论文字数:25925,页数:48,
关键词: 无刷永磁直流电机、控制、应用。
the System of Speed Adjustment for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor
Abstract:With the development of Power Electronic Technique and the following appearance of many high capability semiconductor, such as GRT、MOSFET、IGBT. And some high quality permanent magnetic material also gives Direct Current Electromotor a good foundation, such as rare earth. As a result, Direct Current Electromotor is developing vigorously. In order to make Direct Current Electromotor more familiar ,I want to see the structure、principle 、control and the practical use of the Direct Current Electromotor. Especially, I spend a lot ink to study the electromotor’ principle, so I can make the control part more easily. And I also want to design an electromotor in order to throw the knowledge I have learnt into practice. At last, I have a dream that all buses’ motor can be replaced by Direct Current Electromotor, so that we can save more energy and make the world more beautiful.
Keywords: Permanent Magnet Brushless Direct Current Electromotor、control and Application.
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstrac Ⅰ
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1课题的研究意义 1
1.2 课题的发展和研究概况 1
1.3无刷电动机的分类 4
1.3.1 按工作特性划分 4
1.3.2 按驱动方式划分 4
1.3.3 按转子信号检测方式划分 4
1.3.4按磁钢的形状划分 4
1.4 工作任务 4
1.4.1工作任务 4
第2章无刷电机的基本原理 5
2.1无刷电机的基本原理 8
2.2无刷直流电动机的运行特性 7
2.2.1起动特性 8
2.2.2 无刷直流电动机的工作特性 8
2.3直流无刷电动机的基本组成环节及工作原理 10
第3章 直流无刷电动机的电磁设计 14
3.1主要尺寸与电磁负荷 14
3.2磁路的计算 19
3.3直流电机的绕组 24
3.4设计程序 34
第4章直流无刷电动机的控制 37
4.1换向的控制 37
4.2启动电流的控制 38
4.3转速的控制 38
第5章 直流无刷电动机的应用 39
结束语 42
致 谢 43