论文编号:ZD1005 论文字数:20827,页数:38
关键词 移相控制,全桥,零电压软开关,PSIM仿真
This dissertation provides the analysis and comparison of these converters;it also refers to the improvement of these converters.The ZCS condition can be obtained by introducing an auxiliary circuit into the primary or secondary side.However,these converters introduce other questions too.The auxiliary circuit which consists of loss component or active switch costs the overall efficiency.Converter with tapped inductor or transformer makes the converter somewhat complex and the core loss is inevitable.Converter with snubber circuit seems a good choice and brings a duty cycle boost effect;however,it increases the voltage stress of the secondary rectifier diodes.Based on the analysis of principles of ZVS and ZVZCS converter,a new topology with two diodes and a capacitor in the auxiliary circuit is proposed to overcome these questions. The results show that the converter achieves soft switching easier than conventional converters with fewer components in the auxiliary circuit . Finally drawwing on the basic topology of the literature , I design a simple FB-ZVZCS-PWM converters, and made a to prove the theory is right.
Keywords phase-shift,full bridge,ZVS,simulation by PSIM
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 软开关技术的提出和应用 1
1.3 论文选题的意义 1
1.4 论文所作的工作 2
2 软开关理论基本分析 3
2.1 开关损耗的成因 3
2.2 软开关技术 3
2.3 软开关技术的一般实现方法 4
2.4 软开关技术的类型 5
2.5全桥软开关变换器 7
3 移相全桥软开关变换器实现方法 9
3.1全桥变换器的控制方法 9
3.2移相全桥零电压开关变换器 11
3.2.1移相全桥零电压开关变换器工作原理 11
3.2.2 移相全桥零电压开关变换器的改进研究 13
3.3 移相全桥零电压零电流软开关变换器 14
3.3.1 移相全桥零电压零电流软开关变换器工作原理 15
3.3.2 滞后臂ZCS实现方法 15
3.3.3 改进和优化设计方法研究 19
4 改进的FB-ZVZCS-PWM变换器 21
4.1 软开关的实现 21
4.2 占空比增加效果 22
4.3 整流二极管换流 23
5 简单的FB-ZVS PWM的仿真 26
5.1 移相控制信号及其控制芯片UC3879介绍 26
5.2 仿真电路的设计与分析 28
5.2.1 仿真电路设计 28
5.2.2 仿真分析 28
6 结论 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34
附录1 仿真电路 35