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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/13


论文编号:ZD795    论文字数:21407,页数:48,附任务书,开题报告,文献综述


 The hardware layout and software development for single chip microprocessor intelligent micro-irrigation system and system programming are presented in detail in this paper. Based on the AT89S51 single chip microcomputer, the micro-irrigation system consists of humidity moisture sensors, signal gathering circuit, keyboard and monitor display circuit, out port control circuit, serial communication circuit,E2PROM reading-writing circuit and irrigating equipments and so on. The system is able to automatically detect the humidity of environment and control the irrigating equipment. Thus, the setting humidity can be modified. The humidity modified will be saved to prevent from that the data is lost when the power is cut off .Then, the gathering humidity of environment and setting humidity will be sent serially to the computer . On the other hand, the computer can modify the setting humidity of the micro-irrigation system by the serial communication. So we can use the computer to manage the micro-irrigation system.
 As far as the design of the hardware is concerned, here chose the S302H5V5 capacitive humidity sensor as the humidity sensor, ADC0809 as the A/D conversion, the touching style key as the keyboard, LCD as the monitor display. The out port circuit is consists of triode, NOR gate, relay, light-emitting diode and so on. The development of software adopts the popular modularized structure and the modularized debug facilities. The design of software adopts assembly language entirely. The primary program is composed of main program, keyboard scanning subroutine, A/D sampling subroutine, serial transmit and receive subroutine, displaying subroutine of LCD and so on.
 The successive debug experiments prove that the system is characterized by high reliability, capable control function, controlling by automation and simple operations. In addition, there are some suggestions about the further development and improvement of the micro-irrigation system in this paper.
Key words: intelligence, micro-irrigation, single chip microcomputer

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 微灌概述 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.2.1 研究背景 1
1.2.2 国内外的发展情况 2
1.2.3 研究的意义和目的 3
1.3 课题指导思想 4
1.4 课题设计任务和要求 4
1.5 论文结构 4
第2章 微灌自动化技术 5
2.1 自动化灌溉概述 5
2.2 微灌自动化控制的发展现状 5
2.3 微灌自动化控制的新技术 7
2.4 现代微灌自动化的发展方向 8
2.5 本章小节 8
第3章 系统设计思想及主要应用器件 9
3.1 系统设计的总体思想 9
3.2 系统硬件简介 10
3.2.1 硬件设计思想 10
3.2.2 硬件构成 10
3.3 系统主要器件 11
3.3.1 核心控制器件AT89S51 11
3.3.2 S302H5V5湿度模块 12
3.3.3 ADC0809 12
3.3.4 串行通信 13
3.3.5 E2PROM 16
3.3.6 LCD 17
3.4 本章小结 18
第4章 系统软件设计 19
4.1 系统软件设计要解决的问题 19
4.2 系统软件模块 20
4.2.1 A/D转换模块 21
4.2.2 LCD显示 23
4.2.3 湿度算法 26
4.2.4 键盘扫描 29
4.2.5 E2PROM读写 32
4.2.6 串行通信 37
4.3 本章小节 39
结论 40
谢辞 42
参考文献 43
附录1  软件程序 44

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