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论文编号:ZD1116    论文字数:14075,页数:64



关键词: 中央空调 自动化 PLC
 The purpose of this paper is expatiating on the control method of HVAC,and the way to achieve it.also there are some experience could be usefully for the reader. In this projet ,we should control the temperature and humidity of blowing-in ,the temperature diffenence between cooling water in and out,and the turnning on or off sequence of the devices.
 We decide the logical relation based on the physical condition,then have acquaintance with those devices.make sure the equipment have be connected in correct way.we programme the LAD and download it to the the last finish the loop,and regard the contronl performance.
 As an example, at the second section we describe the temperature contorl of the the first,introduce theworking  theroy and  picture it .secondly,each device has been explained.with the help of HMI software,it show thecontrol  peformance on the PC.
 In the end,some deficiency is listed down,and it’s also couid be useful for the reader.

Keywords: HVAC automation PLC

目    录

1 概述 1
1.1前言 1
1.2工程概述 2
2 送风温度控制回路设计与实施 5
2.1 原理及设计 5
 2.1.2 温度调节回路的特殊性……………………………………………...………………………5
2.2 工程实施 6
 2.2.1 硬件搭建……………………………………………………………………………………...6
 2.2.2 软件实施…………………………………………………………………………………….10
2.3 最终控制回路验证 21
 2.3.1 设备验证…………………………………………………………………………………….21
3 冷却水温差控制回路设计与实施 26
3.1 原理及设计 26
 3.1.1 冷却水系统结构………………………………………………………………….…………26
3.2 工程实施 27
 3.2.1 硬件搭建………………………………………………………………………….…………27
 3.2.2 软件实施……………………………………………………………………………….……30
3.3 最终控制回路验证 31
 3.3.1 设备验证……………………………………………………………………………….……31
4 冷水机组启停联锁控制的设计与实施 33
4.1 原理及设计 .33
4.2 工程实施 .35
 4.2.1 硬件搭建…………………………………………………………………………...………..35
 4.2.2 软件实施……………………………………………………………………………...……..35
4.3 最终控制回路验证 38
 4.3.1 设备验证……………………………………………………………………………...……..38
5 送风湿度控制回路的设计与实施 40
5.1 原理及设计 40
5.2 工程实施 40
 5.2.1 硬件搭建………………………………………………………………………...…………..40
 5.2.2 软件实施…………………………………………………………………...………………..41
5.3 最终控制回路验证 42
 5.3.1 设备验证…………………………………………………………………………………….42
6总结 44
致谢 46
参考文献 47
附件 48

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