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论文编号:ZD922    论文字数:11704,页数:24

 摘  要
   随着企业现代化生产规模的不断扩大,仓库已成为物流系统中的一个重要且不可缺少的环节。基于现代物流技术的应用和发展要求,本文介绍了自动化立体仓库物流系统针对自动化立体仓库的出入库调度优化问题,先介绍出入库各个动作的基本情况,提出一种基于出入库系统分解动作的开发和设计,单任务模式的开发和设计,全自动出入库的开发和设计,不同物品自动出入库的开发和设计,针对自动化立体仓库的出入库调度优化问题,提出一种基于遗传算法/ 层次分析法( GA/ A HP) 的调度规则优化方法。优化调度仿真结果表明,该方法能有效地应用在自动化立体仓库的出入库调度规则的优化问题上。

关键词 自动化立体仓库; 调度优化; 出入库系统

 With the modernization of the continuous expansion of production scale, warehouse logistics system has become an important and an indispensable component. Modern Logistics Technology-based applications and development requirements, this article describes three-dimensional warehouse logistics automation systems for automation of the storage warehouse scheduling optimization problem, first introduced the basic situation of development tools, a storage system based on the decomposition of the development and design of action , single-task model of the development and design, automatic storage of the development and design, automatic storage of different items of the development and design, in a word, the contents of the above development,
Aiming at the problem of scheduling optimization of loading and unloading in the automaticstorage/ retrieval system (AS/ RS) ,a method based on the Genetic Algorithm ( GA) / Analytic HierarchyProcess (AHP) is proposed.The simulation resultindicates that this method can be effectively used for optimization of loading and unloading schedule of .AS/RS.
Keywords:Automated Storage & Retrieval; scheduling optimization; a storage system

目 录
摘要. . ..II
1 前言.1
   1.1  选题背景.1
   1.2  课题的目的和意义.3
2 总体设计方案..3
   2.1 分解动作的开发与设计.3
     2.1.1 堆垛机的复位操作4
     2.1.2 入库线入库5
     2.1.3 堆垛机到入货台取货..5
     2.1.4 堆垛机将物品送到指定货位.5
     2.1.5 堆垛机取货与运送到出货台.6
     2.1.6 两种出库方式的实现.6
   2.2 单任务模式的开发与设计.7
     2.2.1 单任务入库..7
     2.2.2 单任务出库二9
     2.2.3 移库操作.11
     2.2.4 调库操作.12
.   2.3 全自动出入库的开发与设计.13
     2.3.1 全自动入库.13
     2.3.2 全自动清库.14
   2.4 自动化立体仓库出入库调度优化16
     2.4.1 自动化立体仓库的出入库调度问题.16   
     2.4.2 遗传操作和重要参数选择.17
     2.4.3 出入库调度规则的优化仿真.17
   2.5 结论18
3  参考文献.19
4  总结.20

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