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来源:Http:// 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 12/10/14
flow control type
public int fDsrSensitivity; // DSR sensitivity
public int fTXContinueOnXoff; // XOFF continues Tx
public int fOutX; // XON/XOFF out flow control
public int fInX; // XON/XOFF in flow control
public int fErrorChar; // enable error replacement
public int fNull; // enable null stripping
public int fRtsControl; // RTS flow control
public int fAbortOnError; // abort on error
public int fDummy2; // reserved
public uint flags;
public ushort wReserved; // not currently used
public ushort XonLim; // transmit XON threshold
public ushort XoffLim; // transmit XOFF threshold
public byte ByteSize; // number of bits/byte, 4-8
public byte Parity; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
public byte StopBits; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
public char XonChar; // Tx and Rx XON character
public char XoffChar; // Tx and Rx XOFF character
public char ErrorChar; // error replacement character
public char EofChar; // end of input character
public char EvtChar; // received event character
public ushort wReserved1; // reserved; do not use

private struct COMMTIMEOUTS {
public int ReadIntervalTimeout;
public int ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
public int ReadTotalTimeoutConstant;
public int WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
public int WriteTotalTimeoutConstant;

private struct OVERLAPPED {
public int Internal;
public int InternalHigh;
public int Offset;
public int OffsetHigh;
public int hEvent;

private static extern int CreateFile(
string lpFileName, // file name
uint dwDesiredAccess, // access mode
int dwShareMode, // share mode
int lpSecurityAttributes, // SD
int dwCreationDisposition, // how to create
int dwFlagsAndAttributes, // file attributes
int hTemplateFile // handle to template file
private static extern bool GetCommState(
int hFile, // handle to communications device
ref DCB lpDCB // device-control block
private static extern bool BuildCommDCB(
string lpDef, // device-control string
ref DCB lpDCB // device-control block
private static extern bool SetCommState(
int hFile, // handle to communications device
ref DCB lpDCB // device-control block
private static extern bool GetCommTimeouts(
int hFile, // handle to comm device
ref COMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts // time-out values
private static extern bool SetCommTimeouts(
int hFile, // handle to comm device
ref COMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts // time-out values
private static e




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