mov ds,ax ; ds points to codesegment
mov ax,0a000h
mov es,ax ; es points to vga
lea si,[Palette] ; Set palette
mov dx,3c8h
xor al,al
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov cx,189*3
repz outsb
; === Set some variables ===
mov [DeltaX],1 ; Initial speed of rotation
mov [DeltaY],1 ; Change this and watch what
mov [DeltaZ],1 ; happens. It''s fun!
mov [Xoff],256
mov [Yoff],256 ; Used for calculating vga-pos
mov [Zoff],300 ; Distance from viewer
call MainProgram ; Yep do it all ;-)
in al,60h ; Scan keyboard
cmp al,1 ; Test on ESCAPE
jne MainLoop ; Continue if not keypressed
; === Quit to DOS ===
mov ax,0003h ; Back to textmode
int 10h
lea dx,[Credits]
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h