; Return control to DOS
int 21h ; Call DOS interrupt
; === Sub-routines ===
PROC WaitVrt ; Waits for vertical retrace to reduce "snow"
mov dx,3dah
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz Vrt ; Wait until Verticle Retrace starts
in al,dx
test al,8
jz NoVrt ; Wait until Verticle Retrace ends
ret ; Return to main program
ENDP WaitVrt
PROC UpdateAngles
; Calculates new x,y,z angles
; to rotate around
mov ax,[XAngle] ; Load current angles
mov bx,[YAngle]
mov cx,[ZAngle]
add ax,[DeltaX] ; Add velocity
and ax,11111111b ; Range from 0..255
mov [XAngle],ax ; Update X
add bx,[DeltaY] ; Add velocity
and bx,11111111b ; Range from 0..255
mov [YAngle],bx ; Update Y
add cx,[DeltaZ] ; Add velocity
and cx,11111111b ; Range from 0..255
mov [ZAngle],cx