, ADDR g_hRegKey4IE
m_m2m eax, 1
; LONG RegQueryValueEx(
; HKEY hKey, // 1.handle of key to query
; LPTSTR lpValueName, // 2.address of name of value to query
; LPDWORD lpReserved, // 3.reserved
; LPDWORD lpType, // 4.address of buffer for value type
; LPBYTE lpData, // 5.address of data buffer
; LPDWORD lpcbData // 6.address of data buffer size
; );
m_m2m dwcbData, SIZEOF g_szRarPath
invoke RegQueryValueEx, g_hRegKey4IE, ADDR g_szValueName, NULL, NULL, ADDR g_szRarPath, ADDR dwcbData
m_m2m eax, 2
xor eax, eax
; LONG RegCloseKey(
; HKEY hKey // handle of key to close
; );
invoke RegCloseKey, g_hRegKey4IE
GetRarPath ENDP
end start