p; ;Call the display routine
add di,2 ;Get the interrupt number
mov dl,[di] ;Advance to the next record
cmp dl,0 ;If it''s zero,we are done
je vdone ;so exit loop
add di,1 ;Advance pointer 1 byte
mov si,[di] ;get pointer to description
call dvector ;Call the display routine
add di,2 ;Advance to the next record
jmp vloop
vdone: ;Print final CRLF
vectors endp
;Displays an interrupt vector.Display is in the form of
;where ,and
;are all dexadecimal numbers
;Call with
;DX -interrupt number
;DS:SI -pointer to banner string
dvector proc near
call dstring ;Display the string in DS:SI
call dbyte ;Display the byte in DL
call dspace ;Display a space