sp; call dspace
mov al,dl ;move the interrupt number to AL
mov ah,35h ;Function is Get interrupt vector
int 21h
mov dx,bx ;Move BX to DX so we can display
call ddword ;double-word in ES:DX
call dEndFra
call dcrlf ;Display a newline
dvector endp
;DS:SI points to ASCII string to be printed
dstring proc near
push si
push ax
dis: mov al,[si] ;Fetch the next character
cmp al,0 ;If it''s zero,we are done
je disdone
call dchar ;If not,point it
inc si ;Advance pointer to nest char
jmp dis
disdone:pop ax
pop si
dstring endp
;ES:DX contains double word to be displayed
ddword proc near
push dx &nbs