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  Actel公司的IGLOO低功耗FPGA" style="color:blue;text-decoration:none;font-weight:normal;">闪存FPGA系列采用Flash Freeze技术和单片ProASIC3 FPGA架构,工作电压1.2 V / 1.5 V,功耗可低至5 µW,有多达300万系统门和504kb真正双端口SRAM,多达6个嵌入式PLL和多达620 个用户I/O,能为手提LCD控制应用提供无与伦比的低功耗解决方案。本文介绍了IGLOO低功耗闪存FPGA系列的主要性能以及IGLOO视频开发套件主要性能,演示板和详细的电路图。

  IGLOO Low-Power Flash FPGAs with Flash*Freeze Technology

  The Actel IGLOO family of reprogrammable, full-featured flash FPGAs is designed to meet the demanding power, area, and cost requirements of todays portable electronics. Based on the Actel nonvolatile flash technology and single-chip ProASIC3 FPGA architecture, the 1.2 V / 1.5 V operating voltage family offers the industrys lowest power consumption—as low as 5 µW. The IGLOO family supports up to 3 million system gates with up to 504 kbits of true dual-port SRAM, up to 6 embedded PLLs, and up to 620 user I/Os.


  Features and Benefits

  Low Power

  1.2 V or 1.5 V Core Voltage for Low Power

  Supports Single-Voltage System Operation

  5 μW Power Consumption in Flash*Freeze Mode

  Low-Power Active FPGA Operation (from 12 μW)

  Flash*Freeze Technology Enables Ultra-Low Power Consumption while Maintaining FPGA Content

  Easy Entry to / Exit from Ultra-Low-Power Flash*Freeze Mode

  High Capacity

  15 k to 1 Million System Gates

  Up to 144 kbits of True Dual-Port SRAM

  Up to 300 User I/Os

  Reprogrammable Flash Technology

  130-nm, 7-Layer Metal, Flash-Based CMOS Process

  Live-at-Power-Up (LAPU) Level 0 Support

  Single-Chip Solution

  Retains Programmed Design When Powered Off

  In-System Programming (ISP) and Security

  Secure ISP Using On-Chip 128-Bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Decryption (except ARM®-enabled IGLOO™ devices) via JTAG (IEEE 1532–compliant)†

  FlashLock® to Secure FPGA Contents

  High-Performance Routing Hierarchy

  Segmented, Hierarchical Routing and Clock Structure

  Advanced I/O

  • 上一篇资讯: 高速逻辑分析仪探测
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