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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/11


论文编号:HG314   论文字数:17494

关键词:苯乙烯 精馏 顺序分离 工艺设计

 This design is take yearly produces 740,000 tons styrene as the production goal, after uses the benzene alkylate production ethyl benzene to catalyte the dehydrogenationsystem to result in the styrene the technique.The system takes the ethyl benzene installment technical process mainly to divide into the alkylate and the selective evaporation two stages and the styrene model installment technical process mainly divides into the dehydrogenation and the selective evaporation two construction sections.dehydrogenation section consists of three parts, including ethyl-benzene dehydrogenation reaction:craft, evaporate steam condensate liquids treatment and tail gas compression titus absorption. Distillation sections is made up of four parts, ethyl benzene a styrene separation, syrene distillation, ethylbenzene recovery, benzene, toluene separation. This design of styrene distillation unit adopts sequence separation process, namely coarse styrene fluid first flowing to benzene, toluene tower, then separate light component benzene, toluene, etc and separation ethylbenzene and styrene. According to relevant design requirements for the whole production section process design and selection of equipment scientifically. This article mainly aims at the process of distillation unit materials calculation, heat calculation, to calculate the minimum reflux ratio and appropriate reflux ratio etc to determine the actual tower number plates and actually feeding position. Through the column of ethyl-benzene - styrene, tower diameter and high tower, column top condenser, transformation reboiler tower kettle such ancillary equipment and related fitting for size calculation and selection.
Key words:Styrene distillation  progressive separation  process design

目  录
摘要 III
Abstract IV
1 绪论 1
1.1 苯乙烯介绍 1
1.2 苯乙烯的性质及应用 1
2.苯乙烯的市场分析 3
2.1 市场概况 3
2.2 国外市场分析 3
2.3 国内市场分析 3
2.4 价格竞争力分析 4
2.5 市场预测 4
3 生产流程的选择 6
3.1 主要生产工艺 6
3.2 国内外大型企业采用的生产工艺 6
4 工艺流程设计 8
4.1 反应工艺 8
4.2 分离工艺 13
4.3 工艺流程简图 15
4.4 工艺流程叙述 15
5 物料衡算和热量衡算 17
5.1 全车间的物料衡算 17
5.2 全流程热量衡算 32
5.3  气液负荷计算 33
5.4  乙苯精馏塔的塔径计算 35
5.5  总塔高的计算 36
6 泵的选择 38
6.1泵的设计与选型 38
6.1.1  进料泵的选取 38
6.2 换热器的计算与选型 40
7. 自动控制与优化 42
7.1 主要设备的自动控制与优化 42
8. 公用工程 45
8.1 电气 45
8.2 给排水 45
9  安全防护与环境保护 46
9.1  安全标准 46
9.3  综合利用及三废处理 46
10  厂区布置 47
10.1 厂区划分 47
10.2 生产区 47
11 概预算 48
11.1 生产成本估算 48
12  现存问题 49
符号说明 50
结束语 52
参考文献 53

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