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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/11


论文编号:HG310   论文字数:16321,页数:31

摘   要
 关键词:类水滑石化合物  制备  表征  微波  离子交换

Title: Synthesis and characterization of hydrotalcites as catalysts for the hydroxylation of phenol
 Cu/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-like compounds with different Cu/Mg/Al molar ratios (5:1:2;3:1:4/3;1:1:1;1:3:4/3;1:5:2)were synthesized by the co-precipitation method and then they were submitted to the microwave radiation in order to improve the crystallinity and minimize the particle size of the solids. The synthesized compounds were characterized by XRD、IR and SEM. The results showed that the structure of hydrotalcite-like compounds were more integrated with the increasing of the content of Cu. Microwave was used to intercalate anions(WO42+、MoO42+ and VO32+ )into the inner layer, the XRD showed that the intercalations were not succeed ,but from the colour of the intercalated samples ,we suggest that the anions may loaded on the surface of the hydrotalcite-like compounds. From the catalysis test results , hydrotalcite-like compounds loaded with VO32+ have good catalytic activity, but with WO42+and MoO42+,the catalytic activity reduced.

 Key words: Hydrotalcite-like compounds; Synthesis ; Characterization ; Microwave; Anion intercalate

摘   要 2
Abstract 3
1.文献综述 6
1.1邻、对苯二酚的物化性质 6
1.2邻苯二酚、对苯二酚的工业应用 7
1.2.1农药 7
1.2.2医药 7
1.2.3香料 8
1.2.4摄影 8
1.2.5橡胶、染料、颜料和塑料 8
1.2.6 抗氧剂及阻聚剂 8
1.2.7 胶粘剂 8
1.2.8其他 8
1.3邻、对苯二酚的合成方法及技术进展 8
1.3.1合成方法 8
1.3.2技术进展 12
1.4苯酚羟化的催化剂 13
1.4.1分子筛类 13
1.4.2杂多化合物 13
1.4.3金属氧化物 13
1.4.4水滑石类 13
1.5水滑石类催化剂 14
1.5.1简介 14
1.5.2水滑石的组成与结构特征 14
1.5.3水滑石类化合物的主要性质 15
1.5.4柱撑水滑石的合成方法 16
1.5.5水滑石的常用表征方法 18
1.6论文的选题和意义 18
2.实验部分: 19
2.1仪器与试剂 19
2.1.1仪器 19
2.1.2药品 19
2.2催化剂的制备 19
2.2.1催化剂前体制备: 19
2.2.2钼酸根离子负载 20
2.2.3偏钒酸根离子负载 20
2.2.4钨酸根离子负载 21
2.3 苯酚羟化 21
3 结果与讨论 21
3.1水滑石前体的制备参数及结构 21
3.1.1 XRD 21
3.1.2 FT-IR 22
3.2负载水滑石的制备参数及结构 23
3.2.1 偏钒酸根负载水滑石结构表征 23
3.2.2 钨酸根负载水滑石结构表征 24
3.2.3 钼酸根负载水滑石结构表征 25
3.3 水滑石催化活性评价 26
3.3.1 水滑石前体活性评价 26
3.3.2 偏钒酸根负载类水滑石催化剂活性评价 27
3.3.3 钨酸根负载类水滑石催化剂活性评价 27
3.3.4 钼酸根负载类水滑石催化剂活性评价 28
致  谢 29
参考文献 30

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