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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/11


论文编号:HG291   论文字数:15412,页数:28

摘  要



Title  Ultrasonic extraction the total flavonoid of epimedii

 In this paper,using ultrasonic extraction method, using ultrasonic produce a strong vibration,high acceleration, the strong effect of the air,stirring role of the drug would speed up the dissolution of the active ingredients and spread, thereby enhancing leaching rate, reduce the extraction time, and to avoid the high temperature The impact of proposed composition, with NaOH solution for qualitative identification of the product, with high performance liquid chromatography to determine content.
 The orthogonal experiment of four factors and three levels were used to select optimum extraction method,in the root of the total flavonoid of epimedii. the factors influenced the extraction efficiency were in following:Extraction time,The number of extraction,solvent volume,ethanol concentration. Eventually selected the best extraction process to join the 95 percent ethanol solution of 800 ml, two extraction, extraction two hours each time.

 Keywords  Herba epimedii;Total flavonoid of Herba epimedii;Orthogonal experiment

目    录
第一章 文献综述 5
1.1 淫羊藿化学成分 5
1.2 黄酮提取分离鉴定的研究进展 6
 1.2.1 提取方法 6
 1.2.2 分离方法 7
 1.2.3 鉴定方法 8
1.3 淫羊藿的药理作用研究 9
 1.3.1 心脑血管系统 9
 1.3.2 血液系统 9
 1.3.3 免疫系统 10
 1.3.4 骨髓系统 10
 1.3.5 生殖系统 10
 1.3.6 抗衰老作用 10
 1.3.7 抗肿瘤作用 10
1.4 临床应用 10
 1.4.1 用量用法 11
 1.4.2 注意事项 11
1.5 超声提取 11
 1.5.1 超声波萃取的特点 11
 1.5.2 超声提取的仪器装置 12
 1.5.3 超声波提取主要影响因素分析 12
 1.5.4 超声提取方法的发展前景 13
1.6 淫羊藿的有效成分测定方法的研究进展 14
 1.6.1 光谱法 14
 1.6.2 色谱法 14
 1.6.3 国内淫羊藿甙含量测定方法 15
1.7 本文的目的 15
第二章 实验部分 16
2.1 超声波萃取的原理 16
2.2实验药品与仪器 16
 2.2.1实验药品 16
 2.2.2实验仪器 16
2.3实验过程 17
 2.3.1 药材中主要成分的预测 17
 2.3.2 淫羊藿总黄酮提取流程图 17
2.4 验证分析 18
 2.4.1定性分析 18
 2.4.2定量分析 18
2.5 正交实验 22
 2.5.1 正交实验设计表 22
 2.5.2 结果分析 23
 2.5.3 结果与讨论 23
 2.5.4重复性验证实验 24
第三章 结  论 25
第四章 致  谢 26
参  考 文  献 27

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