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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/16


论文编号:BZ064  论文字数:4496.页数:14

摘 要:目前,我国的打孔装订机市场正在向国际市场接轨,各式各样品种不断推出并展示于中国市场,使广大用户大开眼界,领略各种新潮风格的产品。而在包装产业的领域里,随着技术水平的提高逐渐凸显了出个性化的彰显与创意,商品的种类、品种、式样日渐繁多,相同或相似的产品充斥市场,各式各样的宣传手段都在围绕着品牌进行战略推广宣传,这样就使品牌系列化包装设计成为了增强品牌战略的重要手段之一。在经济大爆炸的时代,打孔装订机的系列化包装变成了一种趋势。


Abstract: At present, the hole punching and bookbinding machine market is to the international market, has introduced a wide range and variety on display in the Chinese market, so that an eye-opener for the majority of users enjoy a variety of trendy style products. In the field of packaging industry, with the gradual improvement of the technological level of personalized highlights of the show and creativity, the type of merchandise, variety, style ever-proliferating, the same or similar products are now flooding the market, a wide variety of promotional tools are brands around promotional strategies, thus serialized brand packaging design has become an important brand strategy to enhance one of the means. In the economic era of the big bang, hole punching and bookbinding machine packaging of the series has become a trend.

Keywords:Packaging design; the hole punching and bookbinding machine; Visual impact; Serialization

目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
 1.1  市场调查 1
2. 设计部分 4
 2.1  打孔装订机设计方案 5
3.总结与展望 10
致谢 11
参考文献 12

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