论文编号:HG281 论文字数:14323,页数:37
摘 要
关键词:热裂解 二氧化碳与环氧化合物 裂解气相色谱-质谱
Title:The Analysis of Polymer by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
In recent years, much attention has been paid to the research of polymer using pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. Monomer, dimmer, trimer and the structure information of the various additives are obtained by pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique (GC/MS) from homopolymer, copolymer and terpolymer. According to the information, the linked manners of copolymer chain and the framework structures are known and concluded, respectively. Thus, the structure information of polymer can be characterized by pyrolysis GC/MS, which provides an effective means for polymer research.
In my paper, the fragmentation of the polymer of carbon dioxide and epoxy propane is studied by pyrolysis GC/MS at high temperature. By comparing the fragments of the polymer of carbon dioxide and epoxy propane at different temperature, the optimal temperature for fragmentation is confirmed. The fragments are separated by gas chromatography and analyzed by mass spectrometry. The research of the fragmentation of polymer at different temperature as well as the comparison of fragments at different temperature, which provides the referenced data for pyrolysis mechanism at high temperature for the future.
Keywords: pyrolysis; Epoxy compounds and carbon dioxide; PyGC-MS
目 录
第一章 文献综述 I
1.1 国内外二氧化碳聚合物的发展及其应用 1
1.2 二氧化碳聚合物的研究方法 2
1.2.1 裂解气相色谱-质谱法研究聚合物的特点 3
1.2.2 本次实验仪器的概述 5
1.3本文需要解决的问题 6
第二章 实验部分 7
2.1 主要仪器 7
2.2 实验样品 7
2.3 实验条件 7
2.3.1 热裂解条件 7
2.3.2 气相色谱条件 7
2.3.3 质谱条件 7
2.4 实验方法 8
2.5 定性方法 8
2.6 定量方法 9
第三章 结果与讨论 10
3.1 裂解温度在350℃时的结果讨论 10
3.2 裂解温度在400℃时的结果讨论 15
3.3 裂解温度在450℃时的结果讨论 18
3.4 裂解温度在550℃时的结果讨论 20
3.5 裂解温度在650℃时的结果讨论 21
3.6 裂解温度在750℃时的结果讨论: 25
第四章 结 论 30
致谢 33
参考文献 34