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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/11


论文编号:HG285   论文字数:23417,页数:48

[摘  要] 通过比较目前工业上常用的几种氯氢处理方法,设计出本文所采用的工艺流程,并对流程中的主要设备进行物料衡算和能量衡算,确定其工艺操作参数,并对尾气吸收塔、氢气冷却塔、螺旋板式换热器等设备进行工艺设计计算和选型。同时还进行设备的平面布置,并提出了该工段工业上可行的环境保护与安全措施,可供实际生产时参考。
[关键词] 烧碱生产  氯氢处理  工艺计算  设备计算   吸收塔

The preliminary design technology to dispose chlorine gas and hydrogen gas section on producing sodium hydroxide

 [Abstract] Compared with several present chlorine hydrogen processing methods used commonly in industry, a novel technical process is designed in this papesr. Moreover, the material balance and the energy graduated arm to the main equipment in the flow are calculated, and in the sequel its craft operation parameter is determined. Furthermore, carries on the process and the equipment chosen to the exhaust gas absorption tower, hydrogen cooling tower, and piral disc heat interchanger are designed and modeled. Simultaneously the planar arrangement of the main equipments is carried out, and some feasible environmental protection and security measure are suggested, which may support the actual industrial process.
 [Key words] sodium produce, chlorine hydrogen processing, process design, equipment design, absorption tower

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