论文编号:ZY007 论文字数:10973,页数:19
摘 要:作为新型的食品包装,具有多种良好特性,且种类多样,可根据不同的食品特性进行选择,具有较高的应用价值和较大的应用范围。本论文通过对增稠剂CMC、木薯淀粉的性质和功能等的分析、进行实验。通过对比实验研究不同用量,不同条件下对成膜特性的影响,具体通过对可食膜的感官评定、力学分析、功能性等方面研究膜的性能,筛选得到成膜性能最佳时CMC、木薯淀粉的最适用量,以及膜成分中的增塑剂甘油的用量。结果表明:CMC6mL,木薯淀粉2.0g,甘油2.4mL,糊化温度为71℃,干燥温度50℃,干燥时间30min,可制得性能较好的膜。为了提高木薯淀粉可食膜的性能,通过微波进行处理,考察微波对可食膜性能的影响。结果表明:由于微波处理作用,可食膜机械性能增加显著,阻水性能也得到提高。
Abstract:As a new type of food packaging, it has a variety of good characteristics, and the types of diversity, according to different properties of food, and have a high value and greater scope of application. Thickening of this thesis through the CMC, tapioca starch, such as the nature and function analysis of the experiment. By orthogonal experimental study of different dosage, under different conditions of film-forming characteristics of the specific through the sensory evaluation of edible coating, mechanical analysis, functional areas such as studying the performance of the films, screening has been the best when the film-forming properties of CMC, The optimum amount of cassava starch, as well as the membrane component of the amount of glycerin. The results showed that: It can be obtained better performance of the film when CMC6mL, cassava starch 0.2g, glycero2.4mL, pasting temperature 71℃ drying temperature 50℃ for 30min, can be obtained a better membrane performance. In order to improve cassava starch edible film properties by microwave processing, microwave study of the properties of edible films. The results showed that:because of the role of microwave treatment, the mechanical properties of edible films to increase significantly, water blocking performance is improved.
Keywords:CMC; edible film; microwave
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目录 III
1. 绪论 1
1.1 可食性膜的发展现状 1
1.2 可食性膜的特点 1
1.3 可食性膜包装的应用 2
1.4 可食性膜的种类 3
1.5 可食性膜的前景预测 5
1.6 本课题的主要研究内容 6
1.7 本章小结 6
2. 实验部分 7
2.1 实验原料与试剂 7
2.2 实验设备和仪器 7
2.3 实验方法 7
2.4 本章小结 11
3. 结果与讨论 12
3.1 膜性能数据的分析 12
3.2 膜最佳配方及最适实验条件 12
3.3 本可食膜的优缺点 12
3.4 本可食膜的应用性 12
3.5 本章小结 12
4. 总结与展望 13
致谢 15
参考文献 16