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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/11


论文编号:HG298   论文字数:14846,页数:45


Protect on the Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Treatment
 Our country is the biggest country in the textile, printing and dyeing, and is also a major country of the industrial wastewater discharge in the textile, printing and dyeing industry. Printing and dyeing industry to achieve sustainable development are very necessary, do a printing and dyeing wastewater treatment design worth it. By reading foreign literature, the investigation found information printing and dyeing wastewater capacity, high color, complex, wastewater containing dyes, pulp, chemicals, fibers and inorganic impurities, difficult. The design of the Health COD, poor biodegradability, there is organic macromolecules, So design "Anaerobic-aerobic biochemical" as the mainstay of the current more mature biological treatment process. Acid hydrolysis through anaerobic degradation of biological degradability of small molecules under aerobic conditions to ensure the further degradation of organic matter through the use of Aeration delay the oxidation ditch method to remove BOD, COD, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, improve water quality impact of changes in load adaptability. then return to facilitate the anaerobic sludge digestion series of measures to deal with the wastewater reaches the prescribed emission standards completion of the design objectives.
Keywords :Printing and Dyeing  Characteristics  Anaerobic-aerobic biochemica

目  录
第一章 概述 1
1.引言 1
2. 印染废水来源、水质与水量 1
2.1 来源 1
3.印染废水的特点和危害 1
3.1  废水的特点 1
3.2  废水的危害 2
第二章 文献综述 2
1印染废水处理方法 2
2.印染废水处理的物理法--吸附法 2
3.印染废水的化学处理法 3
3. 1 混凝法 3
3. 2 氧化法 3
3. 3 电解法 3
4.印染废水的生物处理法 3
4.1 厌氧-好氧-生物炭接触氧化工艺 4
4.2 厌氧--好氧生物转盘 4
5.废水处理工艺与效果 4
5.1 处理工艺一 4
5.2 处理工艺二 5
5.3 处理工艺三 6
5.4 处理工艺四 8
6.结论及存在问题 9
第三章 总体设计 9
1. 污水厂设计规模 9
2. 进出水水质 9
3. 处理程度计算 10
4. 处理工艺确定 10
4.1 设计原则 10
4.2 初定方案 10
4.3 方案工艺介绍 11
第四章 详细计算 12
1. 格栅 13
1.1 设计计算 13
2. 调节池 15
2.1 调节池有效容积 15
2.2 调节池尺寸 15
3. 反应池 16
3.1 混合设计 16
3.2 反应池设计要点 17
3.3 设计计算 17
4. 斜板沉淀池 19
4.1 设计参数 19
4.2 设计计算 20
5. 水解酸化池 22
5.1 参数设计 22
5.2 设计计算 23
6. 氧化沟 24
6.1 设计参数 24
6.2 平面尺寸计算 25
6.3 设计参数校核 26
6.4 需氧量计算 27
7. 二沉池 28
7.1 设计参数 28
7.2 设计计算 28
8. 消毒池 31
8.1 设计计算 31
9.污泥浓缩池 34
9.1 浓缩池污泥量 34
9.2 设计计算 34
10. 污泥脱水机房 37
10.1 脱水污泥量计算 37
11、污水处理厂平面布置 38
12 高程计算 38
附录 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41

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