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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/19


转载请注明来源:毕业论文  需要其他论文可去论文范文查找。查看本站未公布的论文展示设计之展示空间的发展与方向(一)




The Exhibition Design of Display space for the development and direction                                          
 ------ The exhibition of Huang Binhong''''s creations in Zhejiang Art Museum to as an example
Zhejiang Museum of Art sculpture like this as the silver-gray building located in the Nanshan road, back Jade Mountain, adjacent to West Lake, the entire building divided into four regions, all-glass roof of the high-quality lighting, more than 10,000 square meters of spacious exhibition hall space, a Hushan sitting out the heroic spirit. Zhejiang Zhejiang Culture Museum is a landmark building project, the building itself for reinforced concrete, all-glass roof, wild and significant low-key atmosphere. Huang Binhong for traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting all his life countless paintings, he was "black, dense, thick, heavy," the style of landscape painting in China rose to a supreme level. The display positioning Huang Binhong art design exhibition to the original space-based, use of modern forms of display to show the tradition of calligraphy and painting master Huang works in the show designed to display all forms of display space for exhibits, such as the principle of service. This requires that we must understand the basic meaning of display design, display design is a highly integrated form of art, space is to display the basic elements of design, the paper design from the display space to display the environment of the functional space processing, design of exhibition space, such as some of the basic principles of the three initial display design of the space involved. On how to deal with the environment to display the relationship between space and space and how to create a comfortable atmosphere in space, how space on the auxiliary display space dealing with the diversity of issues such as the development direction and made a careful study.


目  录






  黄宾虹(1865年1月27日 ~ 1955年3月25 日 ) 中国近现代杰出国画大师。他擅长山水、花卉,并注重写生。黄宾虹的艺术人生主要分为三个阶段,分别为“白宾虹,黄宾虹,黑宾虹”。他的“黑宾虹”时期尤为著名,他“黑,密,厚,重”的画风,使中国的山水画上升到一种至高无上的境界。黄宾虹在中国近现代画坛上,是一位非常重要的画家,其画风与丰富多边的笔墨中,蕴含着深刻的民族文化精神与自然内美的美学取向。几十年来,黄宾虹的绘画一直受到美术界的广泛关注,并深刻地影响着当今中国画坛。


二、设计介绍及相关调查: 展示设计之展示空间的发展与方向(一)......

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