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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/11


论文编号:HG293   论文字数:18099,页数:28

 玄参科植物地黄(Radix Rehmanniae)是一种重要的常用传统补益中药,梓醇作为地黄中主要成分,属于环烯醚萜苷类。文献研究表明其对实验性糖尿病有降血糖作用。鲜地黄中环烯醚萜苷类化合物结构相似,极性较大,而且稳定性差,较难分离。本课题以中草药地黄为原料分别采用甲醇回流、大孔吸附树脂吸附;甲醇溶解,超声提取;乙醇梯度洗脱等方法提取,活性炭吸附,探讨了地黄中梓醇的最佳提取工艺。采用高效液相色谱分析法进行鉴定,通过梓醇得率比较,得出如下结论:3倍量80%的乙醇,超声提取45分钟,提取液用大孔吸附树脂D101吸附,用乙醇溶液梯度洗脱,浓缩,干燥,梓醇的收率为:0.32%。

关键词:鲜地黄; 梓醇; 大孔吸附树脂; 活性炭;  HPLC

 Abstract       Scrophulariaceae plant to Radix Rehmanniae is an important commonly used traditional Chinese medicine replenishing, catalpol as the main component in yellow, are iridoid glycosides category. Documents show that its research on experimental diabetes have hypoglycemic effect. Fresh Huang iridoid glycosides compounds structurally similar, more polar, but poor stability, the more difficult separation. This subject to Chinese herbal medicine and Huang were used as raw material methanol return macroporous resin adsorption; methanol dissolved, ultrasonic extraction; ethanol gradient elution methods such as extraction, activated carbon adsorption, and Huang discussed in extracting the best catalpol Process. A high performance liquid chromatography analysis to identify, through Catalpol yield, reached the following conclusions: three times the volume of 80 percent ethanol, ultrasonic extraction 45 minutes, extracts of using macroporous resin D101 adsorption, and Ethanol gradient elution, condensed, dry, Catalpol the yield: 0.32 percent.
  Key words: fresh yellow; Catalpol; macroporous resin; activated carbon and diatomite; HPLC;

摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 文献综述 4
1.1地黄的主要成分及作用 4
1.1.1地黄的分类 4
1.1.2地黄的化学成分 5
1.1.3地黄的药理学作用 6
1.2梓醇的化学结构及作用 8
1.2.1梓醇的分布 8
1.2.2梓醇的化学结构 8
1.2.3梓醇的药理学作用 8
1.3梓醇目前的提取方法 9
1.4梓醇洗脱的原理 9
1.5 三种最佳萃取条件下的试验方法 10
1.5.1甲醇回流提取法 10
1.5.2乙醇回流提取法 10
1.5.3乙醇超声提取法 10
1.7梓醇的测定方法 11
1.7.1量差法测含量 11
1.7.2红外法测定结构 11
1.7.3高效液相色谱法测定含量 11
1.7.4薄层扫描法测定梓醇 12
1.8本论文的选题及意义 12
2实验 14
2.1材料和仪器 14
2.2实验部分 15
2.2.1地黄甲醇回流提取正交试验 15
2.2.2地黄乙醇回流提取正交试验 16
2.2.3地黄乙醇超声提取正交试验 18
2.2.4实验原理 19
2.2.5三种试验方法 20
2.2.6梓醇成品的精制 21
3 讨论 22
 3.1梓醇提取率的测量 22
3.2红外法鉴定梓醇结构 22
3.3高效液相色谱法(HPLC) 23
3.4薄层扫描法测定梓醇 25
3.5对比试验结果 25
4 总结 26
参考文献 27
致    谢 28

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