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Smith & Nephew公司推出新型臀部重塑产品

来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/04/08
【网学提醒】:本文主要为网上学习者提供Smith & Nephew公司推出新型臀部重塑产品,希望对需要Smith & Nephew公司推出新型臀部重塑产品网友有所帮助,学习一下吧!


  Birmingham臀部重塑系统是由Smith & Nephew公司(Memphis, TN, USA)的整型外科重建分部制造的,是一种光滑的铬钴球型套筒关节连接装置,能够保留患者自然骨骼结构和稳定性,全金属移植物覆盖关节表面,更象一个牙齿帽状结构而不是一个臀部移植物。这就减少了术后脱臼和下肢长度不准确的危险,因为臀部重塑系统是全金属移植物,因此比传统使用金属球和塑料槽状结构的产品更加持久耐用。该产品已经获得了美国食品药品管理局的批准。

  Hip Resurfacing Better for Active Patients
  Hip resurfacing, a new alternative for total hip replacement, offers an innovative option for patients suffering from hip pain who do not want to give up their active lifestyle.

  The Birmingham hip-resurfacing system, manufactured by the Orthopaedic Reconstruction Division of Smith & Nephew (Memphis, TN, USA) is a smooth chrome-cobalt ball-and-socket joint that preserves more of the patient s natural bone structures and stability, covering the joint s surfaces with an all-metal implant that more closely resembles a tooth cap than a hip implant. This approach reduces post-operative risks of dislocation and inaccurate leg length, and because the hip resurfacing system is an all-metal implant, it has the potential to last longer than traditional hip implants that use a metal ball and a plastic socket. The system has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 




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