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摘 要:现实世界中的许多复杂系统都可以使用网络模型进行描述。复杂网络的结构和性质研究已经成为引人注目的领域。对复杂网络进行中心化,发现复杂网络中的重要节点,具有重要的应用价值。


The Design and Realization of Cluster Detection Algorithm Based On Centrality

Abstract :Most complex systems in nature can be described by models of networks, exploring the structure and property of complex networks has become one of hot topics in science. Centralization of complex networks, which can help us find important nodes in complex networks, is of great practical value in many applications.
Software systems represent another important class of complex networks, which to date have received relatively little attention in this field. Software is built up out of many interacting units and subsystems at many levels of granularity (subroutines, classes, source files, libraries, etc.), and the interactions and collaborations of those pieces can be used to define networks or graphs that form a skeletal description of a system. Nowadays, the scale of software systems and the collaboration among software systems tend to be more huge and closer. What’s more, the development of open source software makes this trend badly. Then it is significantly useful to decompose the software system into smaller independent software clusters.
Aimed at the software systems, according to the centralization of complex networks and cluster analysis principles,this research have been able to design and implement an algorithm that through finding and removing the key edges whose centrality value are the maximal to detecting the software clusters, which simplify the complex software networks.
This paper detailedly discusses the design and development progress of this algorithm; simply talks about the theory the algorithm based on, including complex networks, centralization, cluster analysis, software systems, etc; mainly introduces the Floyd algorithm counting all the shortest path of all the nodes, the DFS algorithm judging the connectivity of graphic and the C# graphic programming, etc.

Key Words:Complex networks, Centralization, Software systems, Cluster analysis.

1. 绪论
1.1 课题背景及来源
复杂网络(Complex Networks)是自然界和人类社会中普遍存在的一类复杂系统,现实世界中的复杂网络无处不在。复杂网络的研究以数学中的图论作为理论基础,大量应用统计物理学的方法和工具,对网络的几何性质、形成机制、演化规律、结构稳定性和动力学等多个方面进行了大量的研究,也取得了丰硕的研究成果。近年来,科学家发现复杂网络的不确定性中蕴涵着规律性,可以使用定量的方法进行表示和分析,而且其规律所呈现的形式非常直观,也符合人们对事物认识的常识。复杂网络已经成为不同学科共同关心的热点,科学家预言21世纪的科学将是复杂网络和复杂系统的科学。复杂网络研究的对象多是人类社会和自然界中的自组织进化型网络,即由大量个体经过自发的相互作用最终形成复杂的网络结构,其中没有使用工程设计的方法。实验证明,像软件这类完全由人工设计和实现的系统,也具有复杂网络的特征。虽然复杂网络在社会学、经济学、生态学及统计学中都应用广泛,但是在软件系统方面的研究还非常少见。随着软件系统的发展,其规模日趋扩大,彼此间的协作也更为紧密,特别是开源软件的发展,更推动这一趋势。国内外的研究学者也开始将复杂网络中的某些理论研究应用到大型的软件系统中,将软件系统网络化。


1. 绪论1
1.1 课题背景及来源1
1.2 课题研究的意义1
1.3 论文组织结构2
2. 基本理论知识及其应用3
2.1 复杂网络3
2.1.1 概念3
2.1.2 度量参数6
2.1.3 研究意义7
2.2 复杂网络中心化10
2.2.1 度指标11
2.2.2 紧密度指标12
2.2.3 特征向量指标13
2.2.4 介数指标14
2.2.5 流介数指标15
2.3 软件系统网络化特征16
2.4 集群分析18
3. 算法设计20
3.1 算法设计分析20
3.1.1 软件系统拓扑图20
3.1.2 交通网络的中心化21
3.2 算法思想22
4. 算法实现24
4.1 开发环境及工具24
4.2 算法实现24
4.2.1 用户输入界面实现24
4.2.2 节点图形表示25
4.2.3 计算最短路径26
4.2.4 计算Centrality值27
4.2.5 发现Cluster28
4.3 结果分析28
4.3.1 开发难点及相关策略28
4.3.2 工作展望及见解29
4.3.3 创新思想29
5. 总结31
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