The Implementation and Development of ChatRoom by JAVA
Abstract: As the rapid developing of network today, the Internet has became an important channel for people to access, publish and disseminate information quickly and has played an important role in the political, economic, and other aspects of life. There is a large number of information in Internet, so it is very important for people to communicate with each other and exchange information. People have always been looking for a convenient, inexpensive tool for the exchange of information, so online chatting becomes the first choice. A good chat tool should be simple, convenient, humanistic and low system resources consumption. In order to adapt to the communication between each department and the higher departments in data reporting, I develop this system, especially.
This paper develops a program based on a chat room of net line and web, through Socket of java. This detailed paper will introduce its design and the progress.
Key Words: Internet; ChatRoom; Java; Socket
1 绪论
网络技术是计算机领域中发展最为迅速的技术之一,它在政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着十分重要的作用。随着计算机网络的普及和推广,将会有越来越多的人利用网上资源,享受不断发展和完善的网络服务,以此来提高工作效率和水平。随着我国经济发展和网络的普及,网络技术也越来越多地被应用于日常工作之中。在程序设计领域,面向对象的编程技术正在逐步代替面向过程的程序设计技术,成为计算机应用设计开发的主流,尤其在网络技术开发中,面向对象的Java语言编程和相关的Java技术正在以前所未有的速度发展。网上购物、网上银行、远程教学、网络聊天、网络游戏等都开始使用Java技术。而且Java使平台无关性的思想成为现实,独立的Java程序可以被编译为与平台无关的字节码,这种字节码可以运行在任何拥有Java解释器的机器上。 真正降低了企业成品和程序员的负担。