资料包括: 论文(4页2902字)
说明:摘要 随着电子
关键词 办公自动化,系统设计,技术选向,发展
Developing Tendency and Tactics of the Office ALtomatio Abstract:Along with the development of information technology such as computer and communication.Cffice information process as thedaily business work in government and enterprises institution is popularized and deepened day by day .This paper analyzes the development histo-ry and the characters of Cffice Automation in our country,puts forward some corresponding views and developing tactics.
Kevcwrds:office automation .svste m de sign .technological program
目录: 1.办公自动化已实现了以工作流为中心。
参考文献:[l]赵文.办公自动化基础教程.北京:北京大学出版社,1998 .6.[2l周凡.基层政府管理信息系统初探.
计算机世界,1998(11):16一17.[3l张惠.办公自动化.北京:机械工业出版社,1999 .