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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(45页16195字) 程序 源码 任务书 开题报告 
摘 要



" mea revolution of information " is turned to " the content revolution of the information ", has caused the global digital campus to build tides . This basic function of serving school for being satisfied , the digital campus should be orientated as information service, designed starting point and final purpose to the high-efficient and accurate administrative system of students'' achievement, can meet the general demands of the student and teacher , as well as can be in order to manage to such authorities of confirming it as users'' type , demand characteristic ,etc.. Demand not above-mentioned it provide one piece settlement that is reasonable and then according to,last re ect not following mainly:1. Divide the whole system into two major module : The front desk and backstage su orter, among them the front desk is mainly design of the interface and relation of the interface, and the backstage su orter is mainly control over database and code. Primary demand for the database is rationality and security designed, manage authority at this moment , thus manage security . 2. To the maintenance and management of backstage su orter''s database, because the database has many forms , and it has to be interrelated all nearly, so his-and-hers watches is it involve whole datum body of backstage su orter to revise, must do unified co ideration . 3. The rationality of the database requires that can play a simple role to the whole system , so the pla ing of the storehouse must be rational . 4. To the co tant modification and operating of the backstage su orter , must require the stability of the database . If can go on to the modification of the form accurately , and avoid the phenomenon that is extremely locked. When revise to the data, such as deleting , but the data are being used at this moment, must reduce to the correct state . Otherwise will influence the operation in the past! Very difficult to the maintenance of the system to get the a urance. Must carry on limiting and shielding to the operation of the database in order to solve this kind of situation, use the family to try not to meet this kind of situation. 5. Prove systematic stability , gauge it. 6. Provide according to module to achievement administrative system and then one reasonable settlement pre .

Keyword:Module ;Authority ;Database;Backstage su orter ;Form
1 系统开发背景
1.1 背景
在Internet飞速发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要管道,它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。计算机将具备更多的智慧成分,它将具有多种感知能力、一定的思考与判断能力及一定的自然语言能力。通过Internet与世界各地的其它用户自由地进行通信,可从Internet中获得各种信息。除了提供自然的输入手段(如语音输入、手写输入)外,让人能产生身临其境感觉的各种交互设备已经 目录:
目 录
引言 1
1 系统开发背景 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 目的 1
1.3实现 2
2 系统开发运行环境 2
2.1 网页设计Dreamweaver工具简介 2
2.2 asp语言概述 3
2.3 ASP技术的运用 3
2.4 ASP软件环境的创建 4
2.5 Access2000数据库 5
2.5.1 Access 数据库简介 5
2.5.2 Access数据库的特点 5
2.6 数据库管理系统的概念 5
2.7 SQL简介 6
2.8系统开发基本原则 6
2.8.1 基本原则 6
2.8.2 设计步骤 6
3 需求分析 7
3.1需求分析 7
3.1.1性能需求分析 7
3.1.2功能需求分析 8
3.2数据流程图描述 8
3.3数据字典描述 11
4 系统总体设计 14
4.1模块设计 15
4.1.1数构件统一(模块)设计 – 登录 15
4.1.2 构件(模块)设计 - 学生查询 16
4.1.3学生查询类图 16
4.1.4 构件(模块)设计 –录入成绩 17
4.1.5构件(模块)设计 –显示界面 18
4.2 E-R图 18
4.3 创建数据库 19
4.4 数据库的安全性 20
5 详细设计 21
5.1 数据库设计 21
5.2 接口设计 22
5.3 程序流程设计 23
5.4 程序设计 23
5.5 程序测试 24
6 系统的运行和维护 24
6.1 实施环境与工具的选择 25
6.1.1系统的硬件环境 25
6.1.2其它硬件辅助设备 25
6.1.3系统的软件环境 25
6.2系统运行与维护概况 25
7 结论 25
致 谢 27
参考文献 28
程序附录 29

彭万波,景丽,周宏敏. ASP开发基础与范例[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2002年
汪晓平, 钟军.ASP网络开发技术(第2版)[M].北京:人民邮电出版社.2004年
贾佳, 郝洪明. ASP与Sql Server 网站架设[M]北京: 机械工业出版社.2004年
曾长军. Sql Server 数据库原理及应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社. 2003年
(美)Ian Gilfillan.MySql 4[J].北京:电子工业出版社.2005年
asmus Lerdorf & Kevin Tatroe.PHP程序设计[J].北京:中国电力出版社.2005年
Leon Atkinson.PHP核心编程[M].北京:清华大学出版社.2003年
《ASP数据库系统开发实例导航》陈玉峰 北京:人民邮电出版社.2002年
天创工作室编着.ASP网页制作实战步步通.人民邮电出版社. 2001/6

  • 上一篇资讯: 校园网设计及VOD视频子系统的设计(论文程序全套)
  • 下一篇资讯: 中专技校教务管理系统
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