资料包括: 论文(8页6409字)
关键词:地理信息系统,区域商业环境, 区域经济发展, 区域营销战略
Abstract: Develop and utilize the geographical space data effectively can distribute resources rationally,reduce the commercial operating cost to plan,monitor,improve the regional commerce and economic environment. And geographical information system is not merely obtaining about geographical data,memory,principle,method and tool changed,analysed and expressing,and has offered and known the modes of thinking of phenomena of space and solved the space problem method,can be used for defining,analysis,displaying the complicated space economic phenomenon.This text probes into the relation among geographical information,business environment and regional economic development theoretically,combine the regional economic situation of Guangdong of China,the geographical potential application in commerce and regional economy of information system of initial analysis.
Key words: geographical information system; regional commerce environment; regional economic environment
目录:1 从区域商业和经济的角度看地理信息系统
2 从地理学看区域商业环境
3 地理信息系统与区域营销战略
4 适应区域营销战略的区域地理信息系统(以广东为例)
5 初步结论