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偶动画的艺术动作表现与拍摄技术研究——以动画片“Bunny story”为例

来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/16

以下是网学网为您推荐的计算机-偶动画的艺术动作表现与拍摄技术研究——以动画片“Bunny story”为例,希望本篇文章对您学习有所帮助。

论文编号:DH016   论文字数:6449,页数:10

偶动画的艺术动作表现与拍摄技术研究 ————以动画片“Bunny story”为例

 摘  要:随着现代化技术的发展,动画的制作手段也越来越多,其中偶动画的制作方式也在逐渐的变化中,除了传统的拍摄方法以外,现在大部分都是通过现代化的拍摄器和电脑软件的结合而制作成。然而偶动画在拍摄过程中却有一定的动作困难,跟真人、二维和三维动画等相比,它有它的不足,但是偶动画在特殊材质做出的角色所体现出来的动画也是异样的特色。偶动画的艺术主要体现在它的动作上,那种唯有定格特有的不连续动作恰好体现其魅力,动作虽然重要,但是偶动画的拍摄技术要求也是相当高,只有将两者完美的结合才能做出真正优秀的短片。

Abstract:With modern technology, animation, the means of production. when more and more animation in the way to gradually change. besides the traditional method. now more taken by software, and some of the filming of animation. sometimes the process of action, with a two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation, waiting to be, it has its own deficiencies, but what about a special material which the role of the animation is also a strange character. Match the animation in her art main actions and identified only by the continuous motion is not just reflected the charm, it is important, but to match the animation on technical requirements are quite high, but the perfect union of to real good clip.
Key words: puppet animation;action;photography.

目  录
摘  要
 三、bunny story 动作拍摄过程和制作技术的探讨…………………(6)

(一)bunny story制作过程 ……………………………………………(6)
 (二)bunny story短片中动作创新性…………………………………(7)
致谢 ………………………………………………………………………………(9)

偶动画的艺术动作表现与拍摄技术研究——以动画片“Bunny story”为例......
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