论文编号:DH002 论文字数:5788,页数:11
摘 要:在三维动画快速发展的过程中,建筑动画成为其中市场最大的一个行业。在新楼盘开发、建造时的广告宣传、工程投标、建设项目审批、环境介绍、古建筑保护、古建筑复原等方面越来越多的借助建筑动画来达到期望的效果。追究其原因,很大程度上是因为建筑动画的镜头无限自由,可以逼真的演绎出所要表现的建筑物的整体形象,创建出用实景无法拍摄的效果。
本文在讨论建筑动画和动画镜头运镜方式的基础上,通过剖析现代新开发楼盘和古建筑复原中的建筑动画,举例来说明建筑动画镜头的实际应用方式,讨论 其所发挥的作用,并对建筑动画制作中应注意的问题发表个人见解。
关键词: 建筑动画 ; 镜头; 运镜;
Abstract: 3-D animation in the process of rapid development, construction of which animation to become the largest market in an industry. In the event of new development, construction, advertising, project bidding, construction, project approval, the environment, the protection of ancient architecture, ancient architecture and other aspects of recovery by building more and more animation to achieve the desired effect. The reasons for its recovery, largely due to the construction of the animation camera unlimited freedom to realistic interpretations to the performance of the building to the overall image, create a real can not be used to take effect.
In discussing the construction paper animation and animation Yun-way mirror, on the basis of newly developed through the analysis of modern and ancient buildings to recover the flats in the building animation, for example to illustrate the construction of the practical application of animation camera, they discussed the role of the construction and Animation should pay attention to the issue of personal opinion.
Keyword: Building-animation ; Lens ; Transports the mirror;
目 录
摘 要
二、运镜方式………………………………………………………………… (4)
致谢 ………………………………………………………………………………(10)