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资料包括: 论文(27页7309字) 
摘 要:在文化多元化的今天,翻译作为跨文化交流的一种重要手段,是文化转换的一种模式。颜色词与文化有着极为密切的关系。作为语言的一部分,颜色词被赋予了丰富的文化内涵,其词汇意义和象征意义都反映了不同的文化及文化背景。为了促进多元文化社会的发展和加强跨文化交流,了解和掌握颜色词及其在文化转换中的作用具有极为重要的价值和意义。



In today’s multi-cultural society, translation, as an important device in the cross-cultural communication, is a mode of cultural transfer. Colour terms are closely connected with culture. As a part of language, colour terms are endowed with abundant cultural connotations. Moreover, colour terms’ lexical meaning and symbolic meaning reflect various cultures and cultural backgrounds. In order to promote the development of the multi-cultural society and cross-cultural communication, it is significant to understand and grasp colour terms and their functions in the cultural transfer.
This thesis, targeting at improving translation proficiency and promoting cross-cultural communication, makes a careful analysis of colour terms, including the definition, the history in English and Chinese, the translation difficulties and the translation techniques.

Key Words

Colour terms; translation difficulties; translation techniques

Abstract I
Key Words I
摘 要 II
关键词 II
Introduction 1
Ⅰ. A Brief Introduction to Colour Terms 2
A. The Definition of Colour Terms 2
1. Classification of Colour Terms 2
2. Function of Colour Terms 2
B. Colour Terms’ History in English 4
C. Colour Terms’ History in Chinese 5
Ⅱ. The Difficulties in Translating Colour Terms 7
A. The Difficulties in Translating Basic Colour Terms 7
1. The Usages and Features of Basic Colour Terms 7
2. Basic Colour Terms’ Cultural Connotation in Chinese and English 9
B. The Difficulties in Translating Object Colour Terms 11
1. The Common Characteristics of Object Colour Terms in Chinese and English 11
2. The Different Characteristics of Object Colour Terms in Chinese and English 11
C. The Other Difficulties in Translating Colour Terms 12
1. Non-Equivalence in Referential Meaning 12
2. Non-Equivalence in Pragmatic Meaning 12
3. The Various Concepts of Chinese Colour Terms 13
Ⅲ. Translation Techniques for Colour Terms 14
A. Domestication 14
1. Creative Translation 14
2. Liberal Translation 15
B. Foreignization 16
1. Literal Translation 16
2. Annotation 17
Conclusion 19
Acknowledgements 20
Bibliography 21


People can not live without colour. Language will be more vivid with colour terms.
Colour terms are a part of language, and colour terms’ translation is important in today’s society. Lots of classic works are rich with colour terms. Correct and accurate colour terms’ translation helps to transmit the meaning of the source text.
Colour terms are endowed with various emotions of different nations. It is necessary to learn the cultural connotations of colour terms before learning the nation’s language.
The thesis, centering on the colour terms’ translation, is divided into three parts.
Chapter One makes an analysis of colour terms’ definition and its history in Chinese and English.
Chapter Two illustrates the difficulties in translating basic colour terms and object colour terms.
Chapter Three makes a study of the two main translation techniques for colour terms, that is, domestication and foreignization

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Paterson, Ian. A Dictionary of Colour: A Lexicon of the Language of Colour. London: Thorogood Publishing, 2005.
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Venuti, L. Strategies of Translation A Rout Ledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. New York: Routledge, 2001.
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颜色词的中英对比翻译 - Conclusion

Vocabulary is the most active part in language. It can directly reflect the social changes and cultural development. Moreover, vocabulary is the mirror of society and culture, so are colour terms.
Through the analysis of colour terms’ definition and history in English and Chinese, there are three main kinds of difficulties existing in colour terms’ translation, that is, the choosing of suitable forms to transmit the accurate cultural connotations of basic colour terms; the mastering of the characteristics of object colour terms; the grasping of the referential meaning and pragmatic meaning in colour terms’ translation. Then, the thesis draws a conclusion about the significance of domestication and foreignization in colour terms’ translation by listing lots of examples.
With the development of globalization and the intensified international contacts, it is more and more necessary to learn cultures of different countries. Colour terms in Chinese and English are influenced by the cultural development in their societies. Because of the complexity and variety of both vocabularies, the disposition of colour terms in translation from Chinese into English and vice versa is undoubtedly a matter of importance. Moreover, mastering colour terms’ translation improves the abilities of translation practice and promotes cross-cultural communication.
  • 上一篇资讯: 传统英语教育与在线英语教育
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