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资料包括: 论文(24页6923字) 
摘 要:当今,因特网在社会的地位越来越重要。越来越多的人喜欢在网上做事,如网上购物,网络游戏,在线教育等。这篇论文首先分析了传统英语教育和在线英语教育两种模式。如传统英语教育缺乏英语语言环境,学习的方式也有限,学生总是在老师的安排下学习。但传统英语却更容易被中老年老师所接受,能使学生更好的掌握书本上的知识,老师和学生也能够更好地进行交流等。与之相对的在线英语教育功能强大,能够给我们提供很多的东西,其中电子邮件是最方便的交流方式,利用这一教育方式老师能够创造一个生动的课堂教学。但是,在线教育也有其弱点,如会使人与人之间产生情感距离,受一些特殊条件的限制,使一些学生越来越懒。本论文以传统英语教育与在线英语教育的不同点为基础,对所涉及到的各方面进行了比较,如教师角色,教学资源利用,教学活动组织等。通过传统英语教育与在线英语教育的比较,我们可以知道在线英语教育很多的优势所在。希望更多的人了解这一新技术革命,并有更多的英语老师能将这一技术革新应用于教学实践。因此,在教学中要灵活应变,使传统英语教学与在线英语教学相互结合是本文阐述的重点。



Now, the Internet is becoming increasingly significant in our society, such as online shopping, online game, and online education etc. This paper analyses the Traditional English Education and Online English Education. Firstly, Traditional English Education has some disadvantages, such as the lack of natural language environment, the limitation of English studying, and all of the classes under the teachers’ control, and it has some advantages as well. Communication is easily carrying on between students and teachers. Similarly, the Online English Education plays a very important role in our modern life. It offers us a lot, and the email is one of the most convenient communicative ways. What’s more, the teacher can create a virtual classroom, and however, it also has some disadvantages, and makes a distance in people’s emotions. Even more, it is restricted by some conditions, and it makes some students lazier. Based on the differences of both models, the author explains different aspects, such as the roles of the teachers, the application of the education resources, and organization of the teaching and learning activities, and so on. So combination of these two models is the aim of this thesis.

Key Words

Traditional; English; education; online; English; education; comparison; combination


Abstract …………………………………………………………………..Ⅰ
Key Words………………………………………………………………….…….…..Ⅰ
I. Analysis on Traditional English Education and Online English Education 2
A. Some Problems in Traditional English Education.2
B. The Advantages of Traditional English Education ..3
C. The Advantages of Online English Education.4
D. The Disadvantages of Online English Education..6
II. Comparisons Between Traditional English Education and Online English Education ..7
A. Teachers’ Roles.7
B. Applications of Educational Resources8
C. Organizations of Teaching and Learning Activities 10
D. Teachers’ Supervision of Learning Process.11
E. Learners’ Needs and Psychology..12
III. Combination of Two Education Models.13
A. Course Based on Two Education Models …………….………….……… 13
B. Making Full Use of the Integration Course………………………………….14
C. Course Based on Internet Materials.14
D. Creation of a Rich Virtual Learning Environment15
E. Developing the Creativity of Students………………….………………..16

In recent years, the developments of net technologies bring many advantages to the educational fields. As a result of these developments, a new branch which is Online Education by Computer Assisted Language Learning in applied linguistics is flourished. It is obvious to everyone that traditional model of classroom teaching can no longer meet students’ needs. The Online Education becomes an important approach to teaching English.
Generally speaking, it is possible to say that computer revolution has been done and it is impossible to keep it away from us. So the teachers must learn to live together with it, and benefit from using it. Through this new technology,classroom teaching will be more attractive and enjoyable; learning and teaching will be a real fun for both the students and the teachers.
Many teachers, researchers and educators analyze some problems existing in Traditional English Education, such as the lack of natural language environment, the limitation of educational resources, the boring teaching and learning. So many teachers and educators introduce us a new teaching technology -- the Online English Education, and display some advantages of it. Most people are not familiar with it, so I hope more teachers will put it into the classroom teaching. With the comparisons between Traditional English Education and Online English Education, the author will discuss more advantages about Online English Education, especially, the email as the most convenient communicative way. However, the Traditional English Education also has its advantages, and Online English Education has its disadvantages as well. Teachers should try their best to integrate the both together in their teaching. Only in this way can our country foster the young who are full of creativeness and innovation, which is also one policy of Chinese education.

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传统英语教育与在线英语教育 - Conclusion

As above all, the Traditional English Education and Online English Education are two different education models, and they have their own special advantages and disadvantages. The Online English Education is a modern education model. It is very hard to put it into practice widely owing to the present condition of China, but I believe it will be widely used in the future. The Traditional English Education also has some values for its existence, so we ought to correct the learning attitude, adapt to the suitable learning strategies. It has its own strong or weak points no matter what kind of education system it is. Both of them should be integrated in order that English classroom teaching can be adapted to the social development. Only in this way can we train the creative young to adjust to society. This is main aim of combining the Traditional English Education with Online English Education.
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