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资料包括: 论文(20页5694字) 
摘 要:广告是一种颇具社会形态的文化现象,是显示社会进步的通俗画卷。广告以其独特的视觉冲击力,渗透广大民众的眼球,影响着人们的思维,甚至支配着人们的行为。广告传播扩大了人类文明的成果,改变着民族间原本的文化构架。作为一种文化传播的形式,广告在各国的文化渗透中产生重大影响。本文主要讲述广告在当今社会的重大作用并透射出中美两国伴随广告这种跨文化传播方式所体现的语言,价值取向,社会风俗等方面的差异,它们可以说是跨文化广告传播中“潜在的陷阱”并且是在广告的信息交流中发挥重要作用的传播因素。由此提出如何协调中美广告跨文化传播中的差异,使两国通过广告寻觅文化之间的共同点,并架构起东西方文化连接的桥梁。



Advertising is the cultural phenomenon that includes social forms and it is a picture of social progress. Advertising gives the audience visual appreciation so that it also influences people’s way of thinking or controls their behavior. Advertising transmission is expanding the result of civilization and changing the cultural structure among different nations. As a form of cultural transmission, advertising brings important influence on cultural infiltration. This thesis mainly focuses on the differences between Chinese and American culture from original advertisements. There are three major differences. Firstly, Chinese and American languages are parts of these two kinds of cultures, and they brings great influence on advertisement. Secondly, social customs of the two countries should not be underestimated. Thirdly, the individual values of the two peoples also affect the success of advertising. They are called “potential trap” in advertising transmission across culture. Then many ways will be discussed to harmonize and develop the advertising across cultural transmission.

Key Words

Original advertisement; culture transmission; cultural differences

In the trend of economic globalization, cultural exchanges between countries are more frequent. Advertising is an important carrier of cultural transmission. It spreads not only in one nation but also out of the nation and it enters economic and cultural environment. To the economy, as one way of spreading information, advertising would introduce the product’s information, link up the need and output, guide the customers to purchase the products, speed up the commercial circulation and improve the corporation’s competitiveness in the market. To the culture, advertising is also a visual art, it would construct the cultural style while spreading the economic information. It is a comprehensive cultural action, it is also related to individual values, social customs of different countries, which is especially true between China and America. These two countries represent the cultural differences between the East and the West. In China, since the opening to the outside world, advertising propaganda such as Coco-Cola, Nike, McDonald, BMW and many other stand for the American culture which infiltrates into Chinese culture. But advertising transmission should consider different cultures of the two countries. They are different social customs, individual values and languages. In a word, there is an important sentence for advertising transmission across culture: knowing what should do is as important as knowing what should not do. 目录:
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………I
Key Words ……………………………………………………………………………I
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction of Advertising…………………………………………………2
A.The Concept of Advertising………………………………………2
B. The History of Advertising…………………………………3
C. The Important Function of Advertising in Across-Cultures……………………4
1. An Important Carrier in the Cultural Transmission…………………4
2.Adaptation to the Tendency of Economic Globalization……….……………5
Ⅱ.Analysis of Chinese and American Cultural Infiltration from Original Advertisement……………………………………………..……………………6
A. Influences of Chinese and American Languages on Advertising….…………6
1. Language Differences……………………………………………..…6
B. Influences of Social Customs……………………………..……………8
C. Individual Values of the Two Peoples….……….………………………9
Ⅲ. Ways to Harmonize and Develop the Advertising in Across-Culture Transmission………………………………………………………………………..11
A. Cultural Innovation ….……………………………………………11
B. Overcoming Fixed Modes of Thinking…………………………………..…12
C. Rational Consideration of the National Culture and Foreign Cultures………12
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Advertising is an important carrier of culture transmission, it is also the product of globalization and it extends the achievements of human civilization. It is the product of commercial economy and it reflects the level of development of a country. China and America are two big countries in the world, China represents eastern culture and America represents western culture. So advertising across the two countries faces many difficulties, such as different languages, social customs and individual values.
In order to harmonize and develop the advertising in China and America, we should insist on the cultural innovation and sustainable development ; overcome fixed ways of thinking and enhance the ability of cultural transmission ; rationally regard globalization and nationalization.
In a word, “Cross cultural differences in advertising expression are a growing and important area of research, primarily because an understanding of these differences is needed in order to take on the creative challenge of communicating to people of diverse cultural backgrounds.”(Mueller 151) There is an important sentence for advertising transmission across culture: knowing what should do is as important as knowing what should not do.
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