摘 要:《飘》历来都被认为是美国文学史上经典的爱情小说之一。这部闻名遐迩的小说的主人公斯佳丽的三次婚姻始终是评论家,观众及读者评头论足的对象。关于她的婚姻人们众说纷纭,争议颇多。有人认为:三次婚姻给她的幸福生活抹上了阴影。有人认为:正是这三次婚姻让她更加懂得了生活并懂得了如何去追求幸福生活。这篇论文试图从女性主义角度解读《飘》并赋予其新的观点。同时也试图通过对《飘》的主人公斯佳丽对待生活的态度的分析,揭示现代女性对待生活的态度。
关键词:女性; 独立; 生活态度
Gone with the Wind has always been regarded as one of the most classic love stories in American literature. The protagonist of this masterpiece Scarlet’ s three marriages have always been the topic of its critics, audiences and readers. In regard of her marriages there had been many disputes, some think that three marriages ruined her happy life; but others hold the point of view that her three marriages helped her to know more about life and made her know how to pursue happy life. This paper attempts to help readers analyze this novel in the perspective of feminism to shed some new light on it. This thesis also tries to reveal modern females’ attitudes toward life through analysis of the protagonist of Gone with the Wind—Scarlet’ s attitudes toward life.
Female; independent; life attitude
As time passes by, world is changing day by day at an amazing speed. Each field is developing and bettering. This is a highly developed society; everything here is quite different from that of the past. Time went back to the American civil war, conditions were fairly terrible, but before the starting of the war people there lived a happy and luxurious life. When the civil war broke out, and after a long time of fighting, a number of soldiers were dead, buildings were destroyed. All those belonging to the tranquil nation were changed beyond recognition. People had no house to live in, no food to eat, even no clothes to wear. What a terrible situation one can imagine! Many of the noblewomen in the south chose a way to be degraded. But there was a young and great woman fighting against these difficulties, and she firmly lived though life was awfully hard. This paper would like to analyze modern females’ attitudes toward life from the respect of marriage and marriage life, family and family life, women’ s careers and their educational level through the female character of Gone with the Wind--- Scarlet. There had always been many disputes as to who should be responsible for women ’s happy life, and it has become the focus topic in today ’s society. The traditional viewpoints hold that man should account for women ’s happy life. A successful man can give a woman what she wants. Another point of view is that the society should be responsible for women’ s happy life and every class of the society should pay more attention to women ’s happy life. In this respect, women are regarded as a weaker group. But another fact also deserves people’s attention that women are sometimes lowered down by themselves; they are likely to rely on men. Today we advocate that there should not be gender discrimination, women should be responsible for their own happy life.